КЭС 1.3 Смысловое чтение (1.3.2 - Чтение с пониманием нужной/интересующей/запрашиваемой информации – умения читать про себя и понимать с использованием языковой и контекстуальной догадки аутентичные тексты разных жанров и стилей, содержащие отдельные неизученные языковые явления; находить в прочитанном тексте и понимать данную информацию, представленную в эксплицитной (явной) и имплицитной (неявной) форме; оценивать найденную информацию с точки зрения её значимости для решения коммуникативной задачи (объём текста/текстов для чтения – до 900 слов)). Тип ответа Расстановка терминов. Задание №11 предлагает заполнить пропуски в тексте частями предложений. Все задания 11-й линейки из открытого банка ФИПИ для вас. 

Все задания линейки 11 с ФИПИ

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Obento: Art in a Lunch Box

Japanese kids eat a good-looking lunch. It is called obento (oh-BEN-toe) A __________. Bento boxes are small containers made out of plastic, wood, or metal and decorated with cartoon characters, animals, or flowers. They have matching chopsticks or silverware containers, bags, cups, and lunch mats.

Inside the bento box, the obento is just as colourful. Many Japanese people believe B __________. There is a Japanese saying: Food should be made C __________. Japanese parents often choose foods with different colours, textures, shapes, and tastes. Then they arrange the food in the bento boxes. They make the obento look nice but also make sure it’s healthy.

What do kids eat as their obento? Rice and side dishes D __________, omelettes made with salt and sugar, small sausages, fish, or meat.

Obento time is special. First, children wash their hands with soap E __________. Then they get their obento from their bags. In the winter, the sensei (teacher) may take their obento out of a warmer for them. Kids put their obento, chopsticks, and cups on their lunch mats F __________. Before eating, they sing a fun song about obento: “We are so happy because it’s obento time. Our hands are washed and clean. Everybody is here now. So, let’s say, “Thank you for the food, Mommy and Daddy.”

1. so that you could eat it with your eyes
2. as they carry it to school in a bento box
3. and their mouth and throat with mouthwash
4. that all food should taste good and look pretty
5. which are arranged over their classroom tables
6. which includes food that is red, yellow, and brown
7. which include pickled, boiled, or steamed vegetables





A. "It is called obento (oh-BEN-toe) ... as they carry it to school in a bento box."
Слог логически продолжает начало про контейнеры, дополняя информацию о том, что еду берут с собой в школу.

B. "Many Japanese people believe ... that all food should taste good and look pretty."
Утверждение о красоте и вкусе еды подходит по смыслу.

C. "There is a Japanese saying: Food should be made ... so that you could eat it with your eyes."
Подчеркивается внимание к визуальной составляющей еды.

D. "Rice and side dishes ... which include pickled, boiled, or steamed vegetables."
Дополняет перечисление блюд в типичном обенто.

E. "First, children wash their hands with soap ... and their mouth and throat with mouthwash."
Смысл логичен: сначала моют руки, затем используют другие средства гигиены.

F. "Kids put their obento, chopsticks, and cups on their lunch mats ... which are arranged over their classroom tables."
Завершается описание времени обенто, где дети раскладывают свои принадлежности.

Номер: AD2CF0

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The roof of the world

Did you know that Tibet is called the “roof of the world?” Tibet is a small country surrounded on all sides by gigantic snowy mountain peaks. For thousands of years, these towering mountains acted like a fence, A __________. That’s one reason why explorers and writers have called Tibet the roof of the world. It’s hard to get to. The other reason is Tibet’s high elevation. When people climb mountain passes over 17,000 feet above sea level, they gasp for air B __________!

Years ago, the people of Tibet were nomads, C __________. The ground in Tibet is much too rocky and thin to grow crops, so Tibetans centred their daily life and survival on the large ox, the yak. The yaks provided the nomads with nearly everything they needed – D __________. Even yak dung was used for fires.

Tibetan nomads would lead their herds of yaks and sheep across pastures, valleys, and mountainsides in search of the best grazing lands. They did not live in permanent homes made of wood, brick, or stone. When nomads arrived at their destination, they were so skilled at setting up their large yak-hair tents that they had them up in minutes. They could even compete to see E __________, a fire going, and hot tea poured.

Times are changing in Tibet, and more and more people live and work in villages and cities. But there are still nomads F __________.

1. which means people without permanent homes
2. who would be the first one to have their tent up
3. as they may need 30 yaks to carry their supplies
4. milk, butter, meat, and wool for clothes and ropes
5. as they are more than three miles high above the sea
6. keeping people from entering or leaving the country
7. that survive in the mountains just as their ancestors did





A. "These towering mountains acted like a fence, ... keeping people from entering or leaving the country."
Про горы говорится как про барьер, не позволяющий людям проникать в Тибет.

B. "They gasp for air ... as they are more than three miles high above the sea."
Высота Тибета подчёркивается, и сказано, почему людям трудно дышать.

C. "Years ago, the people of Tibet were nomads, ... which means people without permanent homes."
Здесь даётся определение, объясняющее, кто такие кочевники.

D. "The yaks provided the nomads with nearly everything they needed – ... milk, butter, meat, and wool for clothes and ropes."
Перечисление того, что давали яки, из текста понятно и логично.

E. "They could even compete to see ... who would be the first one to have their tent up."
Речь идёт о соревновании в установке палаток.

F. "But there are still nomads ... that survive in the mountains just as their ancestors did."
Заключение освещает факт, что кочевой образ жизни всё ещё сохраняется.

Номер: C7FF2E

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The Super Soaker story

Super Soakers are a familiar part of summer fun, but did you know the toy was inspired by a part meant for a refrigerator? It’s true! An accident sparked its creation, but its success took years of hard work.

Lonnie Johnson, A __________, has always been interested in how things work. As a kid, he took his toys apart and put them back together, B __________.

In 1982, Johnson’s day job was working on spacecraft in California. In the evening, he worked on his own inventions. One of his projects was a refrigerator that cooled with water C __________. One evening, he hooked a part he’d made to a bathroom sink so he could test it. It sprayed a strong stream of water across the sink! It made Johnson think D __________.

He made the plastic parts for his water blaster in his basement, put it together, and asked his seven-year-old daughter to test it. As he watched her water fight with the other kids, he realised she was able to drench them E __________.

Johnson wanted to make and sell the water blaster himself, F __________. He didn’t have that much extra money, so he decided to find a toy company as a partner. He tried and failed for the next 7 years. Since then, the Super Soaker became one of the best-selling toys of all time and has brought a lot of fun to kids everywhere.

1. but it would cost $200,000 to make 1,000 of them
2. the man behind the invention of the Super Soaker
3. before her friends even got close with their squirt guns
4. that a high-powered water blaster might be a lot of fun
5. which led his friends to nickname Lonnie “The Professor”
6. called the Power Blaster, came out in 1990 and ever since
7. instead of the environmentally harmful chemical used then





A. "Lonnie Johnson, ... the man behind the invention of the Super Soaker, has always been interested in how things work."
Предложение вводит изобретателя и его отношение к технологии.

B. "As a kid, he took his toys apart and put them back together, ... which led his friends to nickname Lonnie “The Professor.”"
Его интерес и поведение с игрушками объясняют, почему его так прозвали.

C. "One of his projects was a refrigerator that cooled with water ... instead of the environmentally harmful chemical used then."
Описание проекта холодильника связано с экологически чистым решением.

D. "It made Johnson think ... that a high-powered water blaster might be a lot of fun."
Результат случайного теста вдохновил его на создание водяного бластера.

E. "He realised she was able to drench them ... before her friends even got close with their squirt guns."
Описание преимущества его нового устройства в сравнении с обычными игрушками.

F. "Johnson wanted to make and sell the water blaster himself, ... but it would cost $200,000 to make 1,000 of them."
Объясняется, почему ему пришлось искать партнёра вместо самостоятельного производства.

Номер: 3BE72A

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Hemingway in Cuba

History and Cuba go hand in hand. About 16 kilometres east of Havana, Cuba’s capital, lies the small town of San Francisco de Paula, A __________ located. It was the part-time residence of Ernest Hemingway for 20 years. He lived there between 1939 and 1959, B __________ during that period.

Upon Hemingway’s death, Finca La Vigia was turned into a museum – the museum of Ernest Hemingway. The house remains as Hemingway left it, with more than 8,000 books on display, as well as artwork, hunting trophies, the author’s typewriter, and other personal belongings. Visitors are not allowed inside, but it is possible to peek in through the windows, C __________ during rainy weather. One can also wander through the garden to see Hemingway’s fishing boat, Pilar, D __________. The garden is also home to a pet cemetery, the final resting place for some of his beloved cats.

Hemingway fans should also visit the small fishing village of Cojimar, about 20 minutes east of Havana by taxi. During the 1950s, Hemingway visited Cojimar often E __________, The Old Man and the Sea. He also kept his fishing boat, Pilar, there, and could often be seen socialising with locals in the streets of the village.

These days, tourists come to the village to visit the square named in his honour F __________. Perhaps inspired by Hemingway’s legacy, many artists from Havana and other parts of Cuba are drawn there.

1. unless the house is closed up
2. despite all the troubles in Cuba
3. and made it the setting for his novel
4. which he had kept in the local village
5. where Hemingway was brought up
6. where the estate of Finca La Vigia is
7. and see the statue of the famous writer





A. "San Francisco de Paula, ... where the estate of Finca La Vigia is located."
Речь идёт о местоположении дома — точная информация, связанная с началом текста.

B. "He lived there between 1939 and 1959, ... despite all the troubles in Cuba."
Здесь подчёркивается, что Хемингуэй жил там значительный период времени, несмотря на сложные времена для Кубы.

C. "Visitors are not allowed inside, but it is possible to peek in through the windows, ... unless the house is closed up during rainy weather."
Уточняется, что посетители могут заглядывать внутрь только в определённых условиях, кроме дождливой погоды.

D. "To see Hemingway’s fishing boat, Pilar, ... which he had kept in the local village."
Лодка Хемингуэя — важная часть текста, и этот ответ логично завершает фразу.

E. "During the 1950s, Hemingway visited Cojimar often ... and made it the setting for his novel, The Old Man and the Sea."
Упоминается связь деревни Кохимар с известным романом писателя.

F. "Tourists come to the village to visit the square named in his honour ... and see the statue of the famous writer."
Описание туристической достопримечательности, связанной с Хемингуэем.

Номер: 4BAAC1

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Magical transformation of bread

You may eat your sandwich without even thinking about what’s holding it together. But without bread, you won’t have a sandwich. To people from all around the world, bread is an important, familiar food, but it is also an amazing transformer. To turn A __________, your loaf had to go through an extraordinary series of changes.

You only need four ingredients to make bread: water, flour, salt, and yeast. Yeast is a type of microbe, B __________. Flour, C __________, is dry and powdery. When you add water, the flour absorbs the liquid. If you continue mixing, you’ll get a big lumpy blob. As you knead it – D __________ – the blob soon becomes smooth and turns into dough.

After kneading your dough, you must let it rest. It’s time for the yeast to do its job. These tiny creatures eat the sugar in the flour. As they eat, they produce carbon dioxide which forms air bubbles E __________. Bread also needs salt to strengthen dough and make your bread taste good. Now, it’s time to bake.

Even after it comes out of the oven, a loaf of bread keeps changing. As soon as it starts to cool, it starts getting stale. To make hard bread more appealing, it’s best to put it in the oven. The bread becomes softer again. Over time, though, the bread loses flavour and aromas. So, F __________ not be as tasty as it once was. Still, it’s probably good enough for another sandwich.

1. even if you can soften it again, it may
2. press it, stretch it, roll it, and flatten it
3. into those soft, delicious slices of bread
4. inside bread and makes it light and fluffy
5. a living organism which is too small to see
6. you put in an oven and a loaf of bread comes
7. which comes from ground-up grains of wheat





A. "To turn ... into those soft, delicious slices of bread, your loaf had to go through an extraordinary series of changes."
Здесь подчёркивается, что хлеб проходит трансформацию, чтобы стать "мягкими и вкусными ломтиками".

B. "Yeast is a type of microbe, ... a living organism which is too small to see."
Естественно объясняется природа дрожжей как микроскопического живого организма.

C. "Flour, ... which comes from ground-up grains of wheat, is dry and powdery."
Здесь важно указать, из чего именно сделана мука, она упоминается как основной ингредиент.

D. "As you knead it – ... press it, stretch it, roll it, and flatten it – the blob soon becomes smooth and turns into dough."
Фраза описывает действие — процесс замешивания теста путем давления, растягивания и раскатывания.

E. "As they eat, they produce carbon dioxide which forms air bubbles ... inside bread and makes it light and fluffy."
Дрожжи выделяют углекислый газ, который образует пузырьки воздуха, что делает хлеб лёгким и воздушным.

F. "So, ... even if you can soften it again, it may not be as tasty as it once was."
В конце говорится про черствый хлеб, и объясняется, что, даже размягчённый, он не будет таким вкусным, как раньше.

Номер: 43768E

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Beauty of the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands are some of the most naturally beautiful locations in the Caribbean. The Cayman Islands are three islands made up of Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac.

The ocean at sunrise and sunset is the most popular scene with photographers on the Cayman Islands. But these islands are committed to conservation A __________, both above and below the water’s surface. There are many protected coral reefs around these tropical islands to explore and enjoy. Some reefs have small holes and cave-like structures B __________, like silverside fish that hide in the shadows. In addition to the coral reefs around the islands, the shipwrecks in the nearby waters deserve special attention. The Kittiwake shipwreck is the most unusual one C __________, about 76 m long and attracts many tropical fish.

The colourful and colonial architecture of George Town on Grand Cayman is interesting as well. The small duty-free shops and waterfront restaurants along the harbour showcase the life in the village, D __________ on the other side of the island.

The Cayman Crystal Caves provide a glimpse into the amazing life on the islands millions of years ago. Water erosion E __________ of the islands resulted in spectacular crystal formations. There are three wonderful caves to visit, each with delicate stalactite and stalagmite formations, F __________.

1. because it covers a very large area
2. because there is rare beauty to keep
3. which were created one drop at a time
4. that serve as protection for sea life
5. and other attractions of the Cayman Islands
6. which is a contrast to the natural scenery
7. and environmental changes to the landscape





A. "The Cayman Islands are committed to conservation ... because there is rare beauty to keep, both above and below the water’s surface."
Здесь говорится о важности сохранения уникальной природной красоты островов, что делает ответ 2 подходящим.

B. "Some reefs have small holes and cave-like structures ... that serve as protection for sea life, like silverside fish that hide in the shadows."
Упоминается, что коралловые рифы служат убежищем для морских обитателей.

C. "The Kittiwake shipwreck is the most unusual one ... because it covers a very large area, about 76 m long and attracts many tropical fish."
Говорится о масштабе этого знаменитого кораблекрушения, который покрывает большую территорию.

D. "The small duty-free shops and waterfront restaurants along the harbour showcase the life in the village, ... which is a contrast to the natural scenery on the other side of the island."
Здесь противопоставляется городская жизнь и природа на другом конце острова.

E. "Water erosion ... and environmental changes to the landscape of the islands resulted in spectacular crystal formations."
В этом предложении объясняется, как кристаллы сформировались из-за эрозии и изменений природного ландшафта.

F. "Each with delicate stalactite and stalagmite formations, ... which were created one drop at a time."
Фраза логически завершает описание сталактитов и сталагмитов, которые формировались капля за каплей.

Номер: 18F68C

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Unique country

The world first discovered China through the writings of adventurer Marco Polo more than 700 years ago. Ever since, this large Asian country has come to be regarded as the embodiment of everything that is mysterious and exotic. Even now, A__________, this vast country has lost none of its attraction. Indeed, the contrast between China’s ancient customs and the new ultra-modern state has only increased the fascination with its culture B__________.

It is a culture that is much celebrated by the Chinese themselves, as evidenced by the preservation of such important historic sites as the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace in Beijing, C__________. And then, there is the famous Great Wall of China, D__________ from the Yellow Sea to Central Asia. Its countless shrines demonstrate the spirit of age-old Eastern religions. The cities of the Middle Kingdom, E__________ of over a million, and the coastal provinces, are today enjoying a soaring economic boom.

Thanks to its size, China is a great tourist destination. It offers limitless scope for exploration. Whether people choose to travel aboard a luxury cruise ship, F__________, this country is full of incredible experiences and sightseeing opportunities. China has something for every taste and all the essential ingredients for an unforgettable holiday in a beautiful country.

1. after many decades of economic growth
2. more than 50 of which have populations
3. that dates back more than 5000 years
4. winding for 6,700 kilometres all the way
5. each recalling the days of China’s emperors
6. or during the latest years of economic boom
7. or seek out the peace of an ancient temple





A. "Even now, ... after many decades of economic growth, this vast country has lost none of its attraction."
Фраза подчёркивает устойчивый интерес к Китаю, несмотря на экономический рост.

B. "Indeed, the contrast between China’s ancient customs and the new ultra-modern state has only increased the fascination with its culture ... that dates back more than 5000 years."
Упоминается длительная история китайской культуры, которая усиливает её привлекательность.

C. "As evidenced by the preservation of such important historic sites as the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace in Beijing, ... each recalling the days of China’s emperors."
Эти исторические места напоминают о временах правления императоров, что логично завершает предложение.

D. "And then, there is the famous Great Wall of China, ... winding for 6,700 kilometres all the way from the Yellow Sea to Central Asia."
Указываются размеры Великой Китайской стены, что подходит по контексту.

E. "The cities of the Middle Kingdom, ... more than 50 of which have populations of over a million, and the coastal provinces, are today enjoying a soaring economic boom."
Число городов с большим населением и их экономический подъём поддерживают смысл предложения.

F. "Whether people choose to travel aboard a luxury cruise ship, ... or seek out the peace of an ancient temple, this country is full of incredible experiences and sightseeing opportunities."
Выбор путешествия — от комфортабельного круиза до уединённых мест древности, подчеркивает разнообразие Китая.

Номер: F7A549

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Tourism in Kamchatka

The range of tourist activities in Kamchatka is really wide. The most wide-spread type of tourism is ecotourism, A__________ and resources of Kamchatka. Fishing, medicinal, cultural and ethnographical tourism are popular as well. Kamchatka offers almost unlimited possibilities for those B__________, and gives the chance to climb not only mountains, but volcanoes as well.

Moreover, many rivers in Kamchatka are good for rafting. In winter one should be prepared for heli-skiing and skiing. In summer trekking, diving, photo safari and bird watching are at one’s service. Besides, this region has a good recreational potential, C__________ take some rest and improve health, thanks to the presence of almost every kind of mineral curative water. Visitors should not forget to try famous Kamchatka dishes, D__________ and other seafood, for example of salmon, which Kamchatka is really famous for.

Many tourist camps were built in Kamchatka in the past few years. Tourist infrastructure is getting better and better nowadays. As for natural wonders, tourists should not miss the famous rock “three brothers” protecting the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The city is located on the bank of the bay, E__________ bays in the world. There is only one way to get there by plane from the European part of Russia –
from Moscow. The ticket price is quite high, F__________ as possible.

1. who are fond of extreme tourism
2. and tourists may just go there to
3. which are often made of local fish
4. who wants to enjoy the nature as long
5. so one should plan for the journey as early
6. and it is clearly explained by the unique nature
7. which is considered to be one of the most beautiful





A. "The most wide-spread type of tourism is ecotourism, ... and it is clearly explained by the unique nature and resources of Kamchatka."
Экологический туризм на Камчатке становится популярным именно из-за уникальной природы и ресурсов.

B. "Kamchatka offers almost unlimited possibilities for those ... who are fond of extreme tourism, and gives the chance to climb not only mountains, but volcanoes as well."
Тут говорится о туристах, которые любят экстремальные виды отдыха, включая восхождение на вулканы.

C. "Besides, this region has a good recreational potential, ... and tourists may just go there to take some rest and improve health."
Камчатка подходит для отдыха и оздоровления благодаря минеральным водам, и ответ логично завершает предложение.

D. "Visitors should not forget to try famous Kamchatka dishes, ... which are often made of local fish and other seafood."
Камчатка известна своими блюдами из местной рыбы и морепродуктов, что логично вписывается в контекст.

E. "The city is located on the bank of the bay, ... which is considered to be one of the most beautiful bays in the world."
Бухта Петропавловска-Камчатского упоминается как одна из самых красивых в мире.

F. "The ticket price is quite high, ... so one should plan for the journey as early as possible."
Учитывая высокую стоимость билетов, рекомендуется планировать поездку заблаговременно.

Номер: DAAC4F

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Mir Space Station Dining Table

When living in a cramped space with two or more people for months, you’d think that there would be no need for a special shared zone. But on Russia’s Mir space station, a high-tech dining table is A__________ and discuss aeronautical projects.

The Mir station orbited Earth from 1986 to 2001, straight through the end of the Soviet Union. The station was B__________ habitation. Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov still holds the record for the longest continuous space stay.

The multicoloured dining table was C__________. It came with slots where cosmonauts could heat up tins and tubes of food like liver stroganoff and chicken in white sauce. A built-in vacuum cleaner would suck up any stray crumbs, D__________ could be damaged by dust. The table could also distribute hot and cold water for rehydrating food.

The Mir station was E__________ expected. The table was important as a surface for food prep and work. However, it was also a place where international astronauts could connect and collaborate while breaking bread. The dining table was brought back to Earth to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics F__________.

1. located in the station’s core module
2. in Moscow, where it can be seen today
3. a place where the crew gather for meals
4. the first experiment with long-term space
5. a vital feature when important equipment
6. appeared at the London Science Museum as
7. in service for 15 years, three times longer than





A. "But on Russia’s Mir space station, a high-tech dining table is ... a place where the crew gather for meals and discuss aeronautical projects."
Контекст предложения говорит о том, что стол был использован для общения и совместных трапез.

B. "The station was ... the first experiment with long-term space habitation."
В этом предложении подчёркивается, что Мир был первой станцией, где проводились эксперименты с длительным пребыванием в космосе.

C. "The multicoloured dining table was ... located in the station’s core module."
Расположение стола подробно описано в контексте.

D. "A built-in vacuum cleaner would suck up any stray crumbs, ... a vital feature when important equipment could be damaged by dust."
Поясняется важность встроенного пылесоса для защиты оборудования от пыли.

E. "The Mir station was ... in service for 15 years, three times longer than expected."
Здесь уточняется, что станцию использовали намного дольше изначальных ожиданий.

F. "The dining table was brought back to Earth to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics ... in Moscow, where it can be seen today."
Завершается текст тем, что стол сейчас находится в музее в Москве.

Номер: D19B4C

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Santa Claus

The man we know as Santa Claus has a history all to his own. Today, he is thought of mainly as the jolly man in red, but his story A____________________ the 3rd century to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 AD in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his kindness, St. Nicholas B____________________. It is said that he gave away all of his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick. Over the course of many years, Nicholas’s popularity spread and he became known as the protector of children and sailors. His feast day C____________________ his death, December 6. This was traditionally considered a lucky day to make large purchases or to get married. By the Renaissance, St. Nicholas was the most popular saint in Europe.

St. Nicholas first D____________________ at the end of the 18th century. The name Santa Claus evolved from a Dutch shortened form of Sint Nikolaas. As his popularity grew, Sinter Klaas was described as everything from a jocker with a blue three-cornered hat, red waistcoat, and yellow stockings to a man wearing a broad-brimmed hat and a huge pair of Flemish trousers.

In the 19th centuries big stores E____________________ using images of the newly-popular Santa Claus. In 1841, thousands of children visited a Philadelphia shop to see a life-size Santa Claus model. It F____________________ before stores began to attract children, and their parents, with the lure of a peek at the “real-life” Santa Claus with his famous white beard and red gown.

1. was only a matter of time
2. stretches all the way back to
3. is celebrated on the anniversary of
4. became the subject of many legends
5. appeared in American popular culture
6. began dressing up unemployed men in
7. began to advertise Christmas shopping





A. "His story ... stretches all the way back to the 3rd century to a monk named St. Nicholas."
Контекст предполагает обсуждение древней истории Святого Николая, что делает ответ 2 подходящим.

B. "Much admired for his kindness, St. Nicholas ... became the subject of many legends."
Здесь говорится о том, как доброта Николая превратила его в фигуру легенд.

C. "His feast day ... is celebrated on the anniversary of his death, December 6."
Фраза логически завершает предложение, уточняя дату праздника.

D. "St. Nicholas first ... appeared in American popular culture at the end of the 18th century."
Речь идёт о времени, когда Святой Николай стал популярным в США, что соответствует ответу 5.

E. "In the 19th centuries big stores ... began to advertise Christmas shopping using images of the newly-popular Santa Claus."
Здесь магазины начали рекламировать свои товары, используя образ Санты, что делает ответ 7 верным.

F. "It ... was only a matter of time before stores began to attract children, and their parents, with the lure of a peek at the ‘real-life’ Santa Claus."
Здесь временная последовательность подводит к тому, что магазины начали использовать Санту, чтобы привлекать посетителей.

Номер: C31848

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City of fountains

Peterhof is a monument of world architecture and palace and park art. Peterhof includes a palace and park ensemble of the 18-19th centuries, A__________. Peterhof is a city of fountains as it contains 173 fountains and 4 cascades B__________. Each year up to 3 million people come here to enjoy the splendour of numerous fountains and the unique parks of Peterhof.

The name Peterhof was first mentioned in 1705. It was a coastal manor, close to which the construction of a grand country residence began. The original plan belonged to Peter the Great. After the brilliant victory of Russian troops over the Swedes, security of St. Petersburg both from the land C__________. Since that time, the construction of the Peterhof residence grew immensely in scope.

According to the plan of Peter the Great, on the one hand, Peterhof was meant to be equal in splendour with the most famous royal residences in Europe, D__________ to access the Baltic Sea. Both were successfully done. The Great Palace was built on a natural hill here, E__________. Following the plan of Peter the Great, F__________, the Grand Cascade with the famous Samson fountain was constructed. This is still one of the most spectacular fountains in the world. In 1990 the palaces and parks of Peterhof were included in the list of the world heritage of UNESCO.

1. and from the sea has been firmly ensured
2. which is a former royal countryside residence
3. who designs many royal residences in Europe
4. and then rebuilt in the baroque style in the 18th century
5. who wanted to decorate the main entrance with waterfalls
6. that are located in the park on the coast of the Gulf of Finland
7. and on the other hand, to become a monument of Russia’s struggle





A. "Peterhof includes a palace and park ensemble of the 18-19th centuries, ... which is a former royal countryside residence."
Речь идёт о Петергофе как о бывшей загородной резиденции, что соответствует ответу 2.

B. "Peterhof is a city of fountains as it contains 173 fountains and 4 cascades ... that are located in the park on the coast of the Gulf of Finland."
Здесь уточняется, где находятся знаменитые фонтаны и каскады, что делает ответ 6 подходящим.

C. "Security of St. Petersburg both from the land ... and from the sea has been firmly ensured."
Это предложение подчёркивает значимость победы России и безопасность Санкт-Петербурга, что соответствует ответу 1.

D. "On the one hand, Peterhof was meant to be equal in splendour with the most famous royal residences in Europe, ... and on the other hand, to become a monument of Russia’s struggle."
Контраст между символом русского величия и памятником борьбе делает ответ 7 верным.

E. "The Great Palace was built on a natural hill here, ... and then rebuilt in the baroque style in the 18th century."
Описание архитектурной эволюции дворца подходит под ответ 4.

F. "Following the plan of Peter the Great, ... who wanted to decorate the main entrance with waterfalls, the Grand Cascade with the famous Samson fountain was constructed."
Идея Петра Великого о каскадах и водопадах прекрасно совпадает с ответом 5.

Номер: AF09F3

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Do jellyfish sleep?

Worms and fish do it. Birds and bees do it. But do jellyfish fall asleep?

It was after midnight A__________ where the jellyfish were kept. They left the lights off and walked through the room by the glow of their cellphones. The students did not tell anyone that they were doing this. The secret they were keeping was a “totally crazy” experiment aimed at finding out whether jellyfish sleep.

A few weeks before, B__________ whether jellyfish needed to sleep. “Of course not,” said one of them. “Sleep helps C__________. Jellyfish are so simple they don’t even have brains. How could they possibly share the need to sleep?” The others weren’t so sure, but they wanted to find out.

The three students designed an experiment to test different behaviors and see if the jellyfish were asleep. They watched the animals to see how they moved, and D__________ when they were resting. It turned out that the jellyfish moved about 30 percent less at night. It was also harder to get their attention.

Months of late-night studying led to amazing results. Young scientists reported E__________ sleeplike behavior. This made it the first animal without a brain known to do so. The results suggest F__________ life, as the jellyfish group of animals first arose about 700 million years ago, and has stuck with us ever since.

1. if they could get the jellies’ attention
2. how talkative they were in a situation close to
3. when three science students crept into the lab
4. that sleep evolved early in the history of animal
5. strengthen memory and keep the brain healthy
6. that the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea showed
7. the students were having coffee and started debating





A. "It was after midnight ... when three science students crept into the lab where the jellyfish were kept."
Начало истории описывает момент, когда поздно ночью студенты тайно вошли в лабораторию, что соответствует ответу 3.

B. "A few weeks before, ... the students were having coffee and started debating whether jellyfish needed to sleep."
Фраза о том, что обсуждение началось за чашкой кофе, подходит под ответ 7.

C. "‘Sleep helps ... strengthen memory and keep the brain healthy.’"
Утверждение о важности сна для памяти и здоровья мозга совпадает с ответом 5.

D. "They watched the animals to see how they moved, and ... if they could get the jellies’ attention when they were resting."
Эксперимент проверял, насколько сложно привлечь внимание медуз, что соответствует ответу 1.

E. "Young scientists reported ... that the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea showed sleeplike behavior."
Описание открытия, что эти медузы демонстрируют признаки сна. Это делает ответ 6 правильным.

F. "The results suggest ... that sleep evolved early in the history of animal life, as the jellyfish group of animals first arose about 700 million years ago."
Заключение о том, что сон появился на ранних этапах эволюции жизни, соответствует ответу 4.

Номер: 6DE8FB

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Willis Tower today

Willis Tower is the heart of downtown Chicago and the future of work and play. The 110-story building is one of the tallest buildings in the world and
the second tallest building in North America, making it impossible to miss A__________. The magnitude of this magnificent steel frame skyscraper can seem impossible to understand.

Willis Tower is now owned by Blackstone and managed by EQ Office. It is home to more than 100 businesses including law firms, insurance, transportation, financial companies and more. Radio and television stations are broadcast from Willis Tower’s rooftop. 15,000 people work at the Tower each day, B__________. And 12 million people pass by and through
the Tower each year.

It is not surprising C__________. The Tower is not only
an innovator in promoting green practices among its tenants, but also stands D__________ in increasing energy and water efficiency and reducing waste. Over the past 20 years, the Tower has reduced annual electricity consumption by 34% by E__________ and adopting special conservation practices. The building saves 10 million gallons of water each year by relying on reduced water-flow fixtures. These innovations are encouraging those in charge of the building to look into certification for energy efficiency and explore renewable energy resources, such F__________ covered with vegetation.

1. when appreciating the big city’s skyline
2. that the true color of Willis Tower is green
3. as solar and wind power and “green roofs”
4. as a leader among American skyscrapers
5. using new lighting systems and controls
6. that was designed and built many years ago
7. not counting thousands of the building’s visitors





A. "Making it impossible to miss ... when appreciating the big city’s skyline."
Здесь говорится о том, что здание невозможно не заметить, особенно когда вы наслаждаетесь видом Чикаго. Ответ 1 подходит идеально.

B. "15,000 people work at the Tower each day, ... not counting thousands of the building’s visitors."
Предложение завершает описание о том, сколько людей ежедневно находятся в здании, включая посетителей. Ответ 7 здесь уместен.

C. "It is not surprising ... that the true color of Willis Tower is green."
Эта фраза вводит объяснение экологических инициатив здания. Ответ 2 логичен.

D. "But also stands ... as a leader among American skyscrapers."
Здесь подчеркивается лидерство Уиллис-Тауэр в вопросах экологии и энергоэффективности. Ответ 4 подходит.

E. "By ... using new lighting systems and controls."
Сравнительное уменьшение расхода электричества объясняется новой системой освещения, что делает ответ 5 правильным.

F. "To explore renewable energy resources, such ... as solar and wind power and “green roofs” covered with vegetation."
Заключение говорит об экологических инициативах, включая использование солнечных и ветровых источников энергии, а также зелёных крыш. Ответ 3 завершает текст.

Номер: 8D53FC

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7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

State History Museum

The State History Museum is the largest historical museum in Russia. It is situated at the northern end of Red Square in the heart of Moscow. What once was the Principal Medicine Store now houses a huge collection A__________ the Stone Age. It was founded in 1872 and opened to the public in 1883. The museum is housed in a neo-Russian style building, B__________. It is one of the most prominent buildings in Red Square. Each room is in the style of a different period or region. The walls in some rooms are decorated in the style of Russian churches.

The impressive collection of the State History Museum includes relics of prehistoric tribes C__________ present-day Russia. The exhibits about medieval Russia are excellent. Several rooms of this period cover the Mongol invasions D__________.

The 2nd floor is dedicated to the Imperial period. The exhibits include personal items of the royal family members, furniture and decoration from the palace interiors. There are also various pieces of artworks and documents from the era. Specific rooms are dedicated to the reigns of various tsars. An unexpected highlight is an exhibition E__________ by examining the growing network of roads and how people travelled in the past. The State History Museum has also the country’s largest coin collection, the 6th-century manuscripts and artworks F__________ during their reign.

1. which is an attraction in its own right
2. that once inhabited the big territory of
3. and cave paintings of prehistoric times
4. and the consolidation of the Russian state
5. covering Russian history since the time of
6. that were collected by the Romanov dynasty
7. addressing the expansion of the Russian Empire





A. "What once was the Principal Medicine Store now houses a huge collection ... covering Russian history since the time of the Stone Age."
Здесь логично упомянуть, что музей охватывает всю историю России, начиная с Каменного века. Ответ 5 подходит.

B. "The museum is housed in a neo-Russian style building, ... which is an attraction in its own right."
Фраза подчёркивает красоту здания, в котором расположен музей, что делает ответ 1 правильным.

C. "The impressive collection of the State History Museum includes relics of prehistoric tribes ... that once inhabited the big territory of present-day Russia."
Описание коллекции музея завершено упоминанием племён, населявших территорию современной России. Ответ 2 здесь уместен.

D. "Several rooms of this period cover the Mongol invasions ... and the consolidation of the Russian state."
Этот ответ добавляет информацию о консолидации государства, что логично продолжает тему монгольских вторжений. Ответ 4 подходит.

E. "An unexpected highlight is an exhibition ... addressing the expansion of the Russian Empire by examining the growing network of roads and how people travelled in the past."
Ответ 7 описывает выставку, посвящённую расширению Российской империи, что делает его логичным выбором.

F. "The State History Museum has also the country’s largest coin collection, the 6th-century manuscripts and artworks ... that were collected by the Romanov dynasty."
Завершается текст упоминанием коллекций, собранных династией Романовых. Ответ 6 логично завершает текст.

Номер: B6BB0D

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Improving punctuality

Some people fall into the trap of thinking that it's really no big deal to be consistently late. There’s a saying that goes, “90% of life is just showing up”.
If that's the case, then showing up on time is 100% of life!

There are A__________ others wait for you. If you keep your friends waiting too often, they’ll start to think that you don’t care about your friendship enough to be there on time.

Being consistently late for your job is grounds for contract termination at most workplaces, while being late B__________ on important information. Whatever the situation, there are always benefits of being on time, while there are rarely ever benefits of being late.

First, you’re only using more energy by being late. Having to come up with an excuse for C__________ to do it too often.

You could concentrate D__________ time, freeing up your mental resources. Being late also causes stress, so you’ll save yourself from
a stressful situation just by arriving at the correct time.

Think about it this way: if you come to work on time every day while another co-worker has a less-than-stellar record when it comes to tardiness, who will the bosses be more willing to promote? All other things being equal, being punctual will display good time management skills, E__________.

However you look at it, it’s always going to be more advantageous to arrive at your destination on time. The negative F__________ any positive aspects. Make punctuality a part of your personality.

1. for class could cause you to miss out
2. your lateness is mentally draining if you have
3. very few situations where it’s not rude to make
4. consequences of being late always far outweigh
5. on more important things instead by simply being on
6. aspect of being on time is that you may find yourself
7. and that could mean the difference in getting you the next promotion





A. "There are ... very few situations where it’s not rude to make others wait for you."
Речь идёт о том, что заставлять других ждать — это обычно невежливо. Ответ 3 идеально подходит.

B. "While being late ... for class could cause you to miss out on important information."
Здесь упоминается возможный вред опоздания на урок, который может привести к пропущенной важной информации. Ответ 1 логичен.

C. "Having to come up with an excuse for ... your lateness is mentally draining if you have to do it too often."
Опоздания требуют оправданий, что утомительно для ума, особенно если это происходит часто. Ответ 2 подходит.

D. "You could concentrate ... on more important things instead by simply being on time."
Если быть пунктуальным, можно сосредоточиться на более важных вещах. Ответ 5 дополняет мысль.

E. "Being punctual will display good time management skills, ... and that could mean the difference in getting you the next promotion."
Пунктуальность демонстрирует хорошие навыки управления временем, что может повлиять на карьерный рост. Ответ 7 верно завершает предложение.

F. "The negative ... consequences of being late always far outweigh any positive aspects."
Опоздания несут больше негатива, чем пользы, что подчёркивает ответ 4.

Номер: 285D02

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Gorky Park

Gorky Park in Moscow is one of the best recreational places. Moscow’s main city escape is not a conventional expanse of nature preserved inside the urban jungle. It is not a fun fair either, A__________. Its official name says it all – Gorky’s Central Park of Culture and Leisure. That is exactly what it provides: culture and leisure in all shapes and forms. It especially attracts those B__________. However, people who prefer peaceful places can sail boats or catamaran or take a walk to Neskuchny Garden, located nearby. Here one can always find a quiet place.

The first recreational park of Russia was opened on the 12th of August 1928. It was designed by avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikov. There were exhibition pavilions, tennis courts, a decorative pool and attractions for kids. There was not such a place C__________. The park was given the name of famous Soviet writer Maxim Gorky in 1932. Since then it has been called Gorky Park.

Nowadays, Gorky Park is the central park of Moscow D__________ 20 thousand people on weekdays and more than 100 thousand on weekends and holidays. Since 2011 Gorky Park has become the first world-class amusement park in Russia with space for rest, sport, dancing and games outside. The park offers free entrance, wi-fi coverage, as well E__________. It is a perfect place for an active holiday, with many things to do. Gorky Park now serves F__________, a point of attraction for youth and families.

1. as a true centre of city life
2. and is attended by more than
3. though the park used to be one
4. who like fun and entertainment
5. as this park in the world at the time
6. as newly designed recreational zones
7. who enjoys cultural events and shows





A. "It is not a fun fair either, ... though the park used to be one."
Здесь подчёркивается, что раньше парк имел черты развлекательного парка.

B. "It especially attracts those ... who like fun and entertainment."
Речь идёт о людях, которые любят веселье и развлечения, что логично продолжает предложение.

C. "There was not such a place ... as this park in the world at the time."
Упоминается, что в то время парк был уникальным в мире.

D. "Nowadays, Gorky Park is the central park of Moscow ... and is attended by more than 20 thousand people on weekdays and more than 100 thousand on weekends and holidays."
Утверждение о посещаемости парка логично дополняет предложение.

E. "The park offers free entrance, wi-fi coverage, ... as newly designed recreational zones."
Также упоминаются новые зоны отдыха, что соответствует обновлению парка.

F. "Gorky Park now serves ... as a true centre of city life, a point of attraction for youth and families."
Заключение подчёркивает роль парка как центра городской жизни.

Номер: DD0A09

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Borodino battlefield

Borodino battlefield was the site of the turning-point Battle of Borodino in 1812, during the Napoleonic Wars. Two hundred years later, the rural site presents a vivid history lesson. The entire battlefield is now part of the Borodino Field Museum-Reserve, with dozens of memorials to specific divisions and generals. The hilltop monument in front of the Borodino Museum is Bagration’s tomb. It is the grave of Prince Bagration, a heroic general A__________.

The Borodino Museum is an excellent place to start with B__________. Visitors can study an interactive diorama of the Battle of Borodino before setting out to see the site in person. The main exhibitions feature original objects from the battle, C__________ and personal items. The displays, created by soldiers and their contemporaries, demonstrate the perception of the battle and the Napoleonic Wars at the time. There is also an exhibition D__________ at this site.

There are several other exhibitions related to the 1812 battle on the grounds of the Borodino Monastery. Leo Tolstoy stayed there E__________ for his novel War and Peace.

If travelling by car, tourists can see monuments F__________, as well as the headquarters of both the French and Russian armies. If tourists come by train, they will see the monuments only along the road between the train station and the museum.

1. as it provides a useful overview
2. when he was writing about the events
3. who was mortally wounded in the battle
4. including uniforms, weapons, documents
5. that is dedicated to the World War II battle
6. who has become a soldier and a great writer
7. marking the sites of the most violent fighting





A. "It is the grave of Prince Bagration, a heroic general ... who was mortally wounded in the battle."
Упоминается герой битвы, принц Багратион, который был смертельно ранен. Ответ 3 подходит.

B. "The Borodino Museum is an excellent place to start with ... as it provides a useful overview."
Музей вводит посетителей в контекст с общей картиной событий. Ответ 1 соответствует содержанию.

C. "The main exhibitions feature original objects from the battle, ... including uniforms, weapons, documents and personal items."
Здесь перечисляются оригинальные экспонаты, связанные с битвой. Ответ 4 логично дополняет предложение.

D. "There is also an exhibition ... that is dedicated to the World War II battle at this site."
Упоминается дополнительная выставка, связанная с битвой Второй мировой войны. Ответ 5 подходит.

E. "Leo Tolstoy stayed there ... when he was writing about the events for his novel War and Peace."
Толстой останавливался в монастыре во время работы над своим романом. Ответ 2 подходит.

F. "If travelling by car, tourists can see monuments ... marking the sites of the most violent fighting."
Здесь речь идёт о том, что туристы могут увидеть памятники, отмечающие главные точки боёв. Ответ 7 логичен.

Номер: 92220C

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London’s skyscraper

The Shard is a modern glass skyscraper in London. The skyscraper is situated in the London Bridge Quarter in Southwark. It is right near the heart of London and only the river separates it from the City of London. The area is full of history: a bridge was built there by the Romans around 50 AD A__________.

The plans for the London Bridge Tower, as the building was initially called, caused a strong protest from people B__________ for a historic neighbourhood with mostly low-rise brick buildings. They claimed the tower would cut through the neighbourhood like a shard of glass. The name “shard” stuck C__________ –
“The Shard”.

When it was completed the Shard held the record as Europe’s tallest skyscraper with a height of almost 310 metres. Only a couple of months later, it was surpassed in height by Moscow’s Mercury City Tower. The Shard towers over the neighbourhood and is visible from afar. The iconic skyscraper looks particularly spectacular at night D__________.

The building is multifunctional, with offices and a hotel on the lower floors E__________. The top floors of the Shard are home to the “View from the Shard”, an observation deck F__________ of the city. On a clear day one can see as far as sixty kilometres. At a height of 245 metres, this is the highest public viewing gallery in London, almost twice as high as the London Eye.

1. when seen from across the river Thames
2. who is concerned about the city’s heritage
3. and the developers even renamed the tower
4. who considered the glass tower inappropriate
5. and residential apartments on the upper floors
6. that offers visitors spectacular 360 degree views
7. and in 1836 the first railway station opened there





A. "The area is full of history: a bridge was built there by the Romans around 50 AD ... and in 1836 the first railway station opened there."
Историческая справка о месте показывает, что стройки велись с древних времён, поэтому ответ 7 логичен.

B. "The plans for the London Bridge Tower, as the building was initially called, caused a strong protest from people ... who considered the glass tower inappropriate for a historic neighbourhood with mostly low-rise brick buildings."
Говорится о протестах тех, кто считал такой небоскрёб неуместным. Ответ 4 подходит.

C. "They claimed the tower would cut through the neighbourhood like a shard of glass. The name 'shard' stuck ... and the developers even renamed the tower – 'The Shard'."
Здесь обсуждается, как возникло название. Ответ 3 объясняет это.

D. "The iconic skyscraper looks particularly spectacular at night ... when seen from across the river Thames."
Ночной вид небоскрёба с реки — логично завершает предложение. Ответ 1 правильно вписывается.

E. "The building is multifunctional, with offices and a hotel on the lower floors ... and residential apartments on the upper floors."
Упоминается многофункциональность здания, что делает ответ 5 подходящим.

F. "The top floors of the Shard are home to the 'View from the Shard', an observation deck ... that offers visitors spectacular 360 degree views of the city."
Работа смотровой площадки описывается здесь. Ответ 6 уместен.

Номер: 9B8F0C

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Red Pandas

Have you ever seen a red panda? With their cute fluffy faces and funny games, they’ve become internet superstars. Red pandas look nothing like giant pandas; yet just like them, red pandas live in the mountainous forests of Asia. But while giant pandas belong to the bear family, red pandas A__________, raccoons and weasels.

Red pandas were carnivores, B__________. They had teeth designed for ripping and shredding. However, more than 2 million years ago, they decided bamboo was a better choice and switched to a bamboo-based diet. Bamboo doesn’t run away, C__________. They might also occasionally eat fruits, insects and bird eggs, too.

Red pandas are skilled tree-top navigators. They have sharp claws like a cat, D__________. They also use their bushy tails to help keep their balance. The funny fact about red pandas is that they can climb down a tree headfirst. They are E__________.

Though it might not seem like it, a red panda’s rusty coat helps them to hide in the forest. The trees F__________ and Myanmar are covered with reddish-brown moss. Red pandas blend right in.

Red pandas also have black fur on their belly and legs. This helps them camouflage with the forest's dark leaves. This also helps them hide from their predators.

1. which are animals that eat meat
2. one of the few animals that can do this
3. are probably more closely related to skunks
4. it’s always green, and you can always find it
5. which they use to hold on to slippery tree branches
6. in the mountainous forests of China, India, Nepal
7. who have everything for eating and digesting plants





A. "Red pandas ... are probably more closely related to skunks, raccoons and weasels."
Здесь говорится о том, что красные панды ближе по родству к скунсам, енотам и хорькам, а не к медведям, как гигантские панды. Ответ 3 подходит.

B. "Red pandas were carnivores, ... which are animals that eat meat."
Поясняется, что изначально красные панды были плотоядными, что делает ответ 1 логичным.

C. "Bamboo doesn’t run away, ... it’s always green, and you can always find it."
Объясняется, почему бамбук стал удобным источником пищи: он доступен постоянно. Ответ 4 дополнительно обосновывает этот факт.

D. "They have sharp claws like a cat, ... which they use to hold on to slippery tree branches."
Речь идёт о когтях, которые помогают пандам цепляться за ветки. Ответ 5 здесь уместен.

E. "They are ... one of the few animals that can do this."
Подчёркивается уникальная способность красных панд спускаться с дерева вниз головой. Ответ 2 подходит.

F. "The trees ... in the mountainous forests of China, India, Nepal and Myanmar are covered with reddish-brown moss."
Описываются среда обитания и особенности деревьев, которые помогают красным пандам маскироваться. Ответ 6 логично завершает предложение.

Номер: 5E5974

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Have you ever heard of such a sport as bandy? It is the “elder brother” of hockey, and Russia A__________. Folk amusements resembling bandy were known in Russia already before the Middle Ages. Some historians even say that Emperor Peter I, B__________, was a fan of this sport. Yet, bandy became popular only at the end of the XIX century.
By that time, certain rules had already been settled. In 1888 a sports club appeared in Saint Petersburg, which was founded by one of the students. And in 1897 Petr Moskvin, C__________, developed single bandy rules for Russia. Next year, on March 8, 1898 the first match was played. This date is called
the “birthday” of Russian bandy.

At the beginning of the XX century, bandy D__________. As a result, it was often called “Russian hockey”. And hockey with a puck really came into being largely because of the great popularity of bandy. Therefore, many rules of the games are similar. Yet, the differences between these two sports are quite significant. The most important ones are about inventory and a team. Bandy uses a rubber ball, E__________, instead of a puck. As for the team, F__________, there can be no more than six hockey players from one team on the field. While in bandy, eleven players including a goalkeeper make the same team on the field.

1. was very popular all over Russia
2. while Russia kept bandy traditions
3. played a big role in its development
4. when it comes to hockey with a puck
5. who brought skates from the Netherlands
6. an enthusiastic sportsman and the founder of the circle
7. which weighs 60 grams and is 6.3 centimetres in diameter





"It is the 'elder brother' of hockey, and Russia ... played a big role in its development."
Здесь говорится о том, что Россия сыграла важную роль в развитии спорта.

"Some historians even say that Emperor Peter I, ... who brought skates from the Netherlands, was a fan of this sport."
Пётр I играет историческую роль: он привёз коньки из Нидерландов, что символизирует его вклад в развитие зимнего спорта.

"And in 1897 Petr Moskvin, ... an enthusiastic sportsman and the founder of the circle, developed single bandy rules for Russia."
Речь идёт о Петре Москвине, который разработал унифицированные правила игры для России. Ответ подтверждает его вклад как энтузиаста и организатора.

"At the beginning of the XX century, bandy ... was very popular all over Russia."
Начало XX века было периодом, когда бенди (хоккей с мячом) стал невероятно популярным по всей России, и здесь подходит вариант про его массовую популярность.

"Bandy uses a rubber ball, ... which weighs 60 grams and is 6.3 centimetres in diameter, instead of a puck."
Фраза даёт описательные характеристики мяча, используемого в бенди, который не похож на хоккейную шайбу. 

"As for the team, ... when it comes to hockey with a puck, there can be no more than six hockey players from one team on the field."
Подчёркиваются различия между бенди и хоккеем с шайбой, особенно в количестве игроков: в бенди в одной команде 11 человек против 6 в хоккее.

Номер: A6B07B

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Kenya – the name is almost synonymous with the word “safari”. Few other places on the planet evoke such a spirit of adventure and romance. The diversity of things to do in Kenya dazzles all who visit it, A__________. In those sunny lands, ancient tribes, such as the Maasai, Kikuyu, and Samburu, retain their traditional customs, B__________.

Crowned by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, Amboseli National Reserve is one of Kenya’s most popular tourist parks. The reserve is one of the best places in Africa C__________. Other wildlife commonly spotted in the park includes big cats, such as lion and cheetah, as well as giraffes, impalas, gazelles, D__________. Nature lovers can explore five different habitats there, ranging from the dried-up bed of Lake Amboseli to wetlands, savannah, and woodlands.

Kenya is stunning. Beyond the world-famous safari parks lies a collection of coastal treasures. Tourists can snorkel and dive fish-rich coral reefs, relax on pearly beaches, experience the melting pot of cultures and cuisines, E__________. Tourists can also climb the snow-covered peaks of Mount Kenya and fish for trout in crystal-clear streams. To experience the romance of Kenya’s colourful colonial history, it is advised to head to Nairobi. That bustling capital is the gateway F__________.

1. to view large herds of elephants up close
2. and viewing the country’s wildlife tops the list
3. and more than 600 species of different birds
4. and explore tropical islands frozen in history
5. resting on trees or hunting their prey in the wild
6. to one of the world’s exciting travel destinations
7. living in relative harmony with the natural world





"The diversity of things to do in Kenya dazzles all who visit it, and viewing the country’s wildlife tops the list."
Кения известна своей природой, и наблюдение за дикой природой находится на первом месте в списке дел, что логически завершает предложение.

"In those sunny lands, ancient tribes, such as the Maasai, Kikuyu, and Samburu, retain their traditional customs, living in relative harmony with the natural world."
Древние племена гармонично живут в среде обитания, что подчёркивает их традиции и связь с природой.

"Crowned by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, Amboseli National Reserve is one of Kenya’s most popular tourist parks. The reserve is one of the best places in Africa to view large herds of elephants up close."
Амбосели славится тем, что там можно увидеть большие стада слонов, что идеально подходит по контексту.

"Other wildlife commonly spotted in the park includes big cats, such as lion and cheetah, as well as giraffes, impalas, gazelles, and more than 600 species of different birds."
Описание различных животных и огромного числа птиц завершают характеристику природы парка.

"Tourists can snorkel and dive fish-rich coral reefs, relax on pearly beaches, experience the melting pot of cultures and cuisines, and explore tropical islands frozen in history."
Кения предлагает исследование богатых культур, кухонь и исторически значимых островов.

"That bustling capital is the gateway to one of the world’s exciting travel destinations."
Найроби упоминается как место, через которое туристы начинают своё увлекательное путешествие.

Номер: 133FB1

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Russian souvenirs

When you travel to Russia, you will undoubtedly want to bring back a memento from your trip, not to mention small souvenirs for important people back home. It’s very easy in Russia to fall A__________ Matryoshka dolls from one of the massive souvenir markets. If you’re travelling on a budget, you don’t have to hunt B__________ magnet. Choose one of these interesting, unique, and truly Russian gifts instead.

Russia makes some incredible candy and chocolate, and you can find these for sale in almost any Russian shop. Sometimes you can even C__________ the shop there. You can’t go wrong with Russian candy, but be careful, don’t go for the cheapest kind of chocolate, and obviously don’t buy anything that is clearly not Russian.

Another option is “Valenki”: traditional Russian winter boots, made out of sheep’s wool felt. They usually don’t D__________ grey felt, and are thus often worn with “galoshes”, or rubber boots. These days you can find valenki combined with rubber soles to make a real shoe. One way or E__________ Russia. They’re warm and they make great slippers and presents for babies and children.

Russia is also famous F__________ authentic and inexpensive gift would be a Russian classic. You can find Russian books in translation in many bookstores.

1. others bring cheap souvenirs from
2. visit the factory and buy chocolate in
3. have a hard sole, just one thick piece of
4. into the tourist trap of buying overpriced
5. around for the cheapest nesting doll set or
6. another, they are a gift straight out of historical
7. for its authors, poets, and playwrights, so a great





"It’s very easy in Russia to fall ... into the tourist trap of buying overpriced Matryoshka dolls from one of the massive souvenir markets."
Фраза предостерегает от покупки слишком дорогих сувениров, что соответствует варианту 4.

"If you’re travelling on a budget, you don’t have to hunt ... around for the cheapest nesting doll set or magnet."
Здесь речь идёт о поиске самых дешёвых вариантов сувениров, таких как матрёшки или магниты. Подходит вариант 5.

"Sometimes you can even ... visit the factory and buy chocolate in the shop there."
Упоминается возможность посещения фабрики и покупки шоколада. Правильный ответ — 2.

"They usually don’t ... have a hard sole, just one thick piece of grey felt, and are thus often worn with 'galoshes', or rubber boots."
Описание валенок, у которых нет жёсткой подошвы, делает вариант 3 правильным.

"One way or ... another, they are a gift straight out of historical Russia."
Здесь подчёркивается историческая ценность валенок, что соответствует варианту 6.

"Russia is also famous ... for its authors, poets, and playwrights, so a great authentic and inexpensive gift would be a Russian classic."
Упоминается литература, что делает вариант 7 логичным завершением текста.

Номер: E714B5

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Among the beautiful forests of Moscow Region, is the Abramtsevo Estate, which became a meeting point for the most outstanding members of the Russian cultural circle. At different times the estate was visited by Russian writers, A__________ Ivan Turgenev. But the estate became most famous due to the painters who worked there: Vasily Polenov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov, and Mikhail Vrubel.

In 1870 Savva Mamontov, B__________, bought the lovely estate 45 km north of Moscow. There, he hosted a large number of artists, C__________. Many artists came there to try their hand at the woodwork and ceramics workshops. Famous musicians of that time performed in Mamontov’s private opera, including Feodor Chaliapin, D__________.

Several rooms of the manor house have been preserved intact, complete with artwork by various former resident artists. The main attraction is Mamontov’s cozy dining room, E__________ his wife, as well as Valentin Serov’s luminous picture The Girl with Peaches. A striking majolica bench by Mikhail Vrubel is in the garden.

One of the main symbols of the estate is the Saviour Church, F__________. It is the prettiest building on the grounds. The structure is a perfect realization of the owner’s intentions to show his deep respect for the 14th-century Novgorod architecture.

1. who made his debut in Abramtsevo
2. which was built between 1881 and 1882
3. including Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy and
4. which was invented by a famous Russian writer
5. featuring Ilya Repin’s portraits of the patron and
6. who sought inspiration in the gardens and forests
7. who was a railway magnate and patron of the arts





"It was visited by Russian writers, ... including Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy and Ivan Turgenev."
Логично завершить предложение перечислением известных русских писателей, что делает 3 правильным ответом.

"In 1870 Savva Mamontov, ... who was a railway magnate and patron of the arts, bought the lovely estate."
Описывает Савву Мамонтова как железнодорожного магната и мецената. Правильный ответ — 7.

"There, he hosted a large number of artists, ... who sought inspiration in the gardens and forests."
Здесь подчёркивается, что художники приезжали за вдохновением. Подходит вариант 6.

"Famous musicians of that time performed in Mamontov’s private opera, including Feodor Chaliapin, ... who made his debut in Abramtsevo."
Подчёркивается, что Шаляпин дебютировал в Абрамцевской усадьбе. Ответ — 1.

"The main attraction is Mamontov's cozy dining room, ... featuring Ilya Repin’s portraits of the patron and his wife, as well as Valentin Serov’s luminous picture The Girl with Peaches."
Описание картины Репина и Серова завершается логично с вариантом 5.

"One of the main symbols of the estate is the Saviour Church, ... which was built between 1881 and 1882."
Подчёркивается точная дата строительства церкви. Ответ — 2.

Номер: F36F14

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The cruiser Aurora is a museum in St. Petersburg. It is a former Russian naval ship that has played an important part in the country’s history.

The Aurora was built between 1897 and 1900 at the Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg. The cruiser was one of the largest ships of its time. After its construction was complete, the Aurora took its place as part of the Russian 2nd Squadron in the Pacific Ocean. In May 1905, it took part in the Battle of Tsushima and was one of just a few Russian ships A__________. After the battle in the Baltic, it returned to St. Petersburg B__________.

The ship served during World War I. When it returned to St. Petersburg in 1916 for major repairs, the city was on the edge of revolution C__________ the 1917 February Revolution. Soon the Aurora was to play a huge part in the October revolution. The ship is famous for firing the shot D__________ the Winter Palace.

Once again in 1922, the Aurora served as a training ship. During World War II, the ship’s guns were removed to use for land defense. Unfortunately, being left defenseless it was sunk in Leningrad harbour to keep it from E__________. The ship was brought back to the surface in 1944 and later, after extensive repairs, it was permanently anchored at the harbour and became a museum in 1957.

The Aurora is now maintained by cadets from the nearby Nakhimov Navy School. Admission is free to the public, F__________ a small fee.

1. and many crew members joined
2. and became a cadet training ship
3. that survived the intense naval battle
4. that signaled the prepared attack on
5. protecting the territory of the harbour
6. falling into the hands of the Germans
7. though a visit to the engine room carries





"In May 1905, it took part in the Battle of Tsushima and was one of just a few Russian ships ... that survived the intense naval battle."
Контекст говорит о том, что в этом сражении большинство русских кораблей было уничтожено. Ответ 3 подходит.

"After the battle in the Baltic, it returned to St. Petersburg ... and became a cadet training ship."
После битвы и возвращения корабль был переоборудован в учебный. Это правильно объясняет последующий период корабля. Ответ 2.

"When it returned to St. Petersburg in 1916 for major repairs, the city was on the edge of revolution ... and many crew members joined."
Речь идёт о революции и участии экипажа. Ответ 1 уместен.

"The ship is famous for firing the shot ... that signaled the prepared attack on the Winter Palace."
Ключевой момент истории: залп корабля стал сигналом к штурму Зимнего дворца. Ответ 4.

"Being left defenseless it was sunk in Leningrad harbour to keep it from ... falling into the hands of the Germans."
Здесь логично говорится о предотвращении захвата корабля немцами. Ответ 6.

"Admission is free to the public, ... though a visit to the engine room carries a small fee."
Контекст о посещении музея отлично завершается упоминанием небольшой платы за осмотр машинного отделения. Ответ 7.

Номер: 153F1C

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Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod, one of the most ancient cities of Russia, was founded in the 9-10th centuries. Veliky Novgorod was a political centre of vast territories stretching up from Baltic lands to the Urals. For a long time the city had been the largest centre of culture in Russia, A__________. Many outstanding monuments of medieval architecture and painting have been preserved in the city.

The Kremlin is one of the most popular sights. It was built in 1044 by order of Prince Jaroslav the Wise. It is surrounded by a wall 1487 metres long. It once had 12 towers, B__________. The particular characteristic of the Kremlin is a large number of churches on the area. The architecture represents the style of the 15th century. The area around the Kremlin is very well-kept C__________. From the bastions one will have a wonderful view over the whole city.

The outdoor Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture is a haven to the people D__________ with massive skyscrapers, business centres and shopping malls. The museum presents some excellent examples of wooden structures from different parts and suburbs of Veliky Novgorod. The scenery here is so quiet E__________ and will just enjoy the stunning view of the Russian village.

The visit to the city helps to get acquainted with the history and the way of life of common country folk F__________ in different times.

1. and has a lot of green places
2. but now only 9 of them still exist
3. that they are protected by the state
4. where chronicles and books were created
5. who are tired of modern urban architecture
6. that one will easily forget about all the troubles
7. who lived on the territory of Novgorod principality





"For a long time the city had been the largest centre of culture in Russia, ... where chronicles and books were created."
Уточняется роль Великого Новгорода как центра культуры, где создавались документы и книги. Ответ 4 подходит.

"It once had 12 towers, ... but now only 9 of them still exist."
Упоминается изначальное и современное количество сохранившихся башен. Ответ 2 логично завершает фразу.

"The area around the Kremlin is very well-kept ... and has a lot of green places."
Описание территории вокруг Кремля с зелёными зонами дополняет упоминание о её благоустройстве. Ответ 1 подходит.

"The outdoor Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture is a haven to the people ... who are tired of modern urban architecture."
Музей становится местом спокойствия для тех, кому надоели современные города. Ответ 5 подходит идеально.

"The scenery here is so quiet ... that one will easily forget about all the troubles."
Здесь подчёркивается спокойствие, которое позволяет отвлечься от повседневных забот. Ответ 6 логичен.

"The visit to the city helps to get acquainted with the history and the way of life of common country folk ... who lived on the territory of Novgorod principality in different times."
Заканчивая текст, говорится об истории и жизни людей, живших в Новгороде в разные периоды. Ответ 7 дополняет рассказ.

Номер: D69B12

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Unique nature of Kamchatka

Kamchatka is a peninsula located in the north-eastern part of Russia. It is surrounded with the Okhotskoye Sea, the Beringovo Sea and the Pacific Ocean. This region has a very unique environment A__________ one is looking for picturesque views, unforgettable travels and unity with nature.

Kamchatka is famous for its volcanoes, B__________. Volcanoes are represented on Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the most eastern city in the northern hemisphere, coat of arms as well. There are more than 300 volcanoes in Kamchatka, from 28 up to 36 of them are active, or potentially active. Kamchatka volcanoes are included in the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The region is also known C__________ –
rivers and lakes. Many Kamchatka rivers spring from mountain tops and glaciers, that is why they are very clean, and it is wonderful for those D__________. In general, there are up to 14 thousand rivers and streams, 100 thousand lakes and 414 glaciers in Kamchatka.

Kamchatka is a home to the Valley of Geysers, E__________ geysers in the world, after Icelandic geyser fields. It is not easily accessible, as long as it is too unique to be opened for tourists all the time. The Valley of Geysers’ ecosystem is very vulnerable, F__________ and regulate the visiting. In fact, the larger part of Kamchatka is preserved. There are many nature reserves and nature parks in Kamchatka.

1. that makes it a place to visit when
2. to be a place of many water sources
3. so it is necessary to monitor it all the time
4. which are depicted on most souvenirs there
5. who love fishing, including Kamchatka bears
6. which has the second largest concentration of
7. to be a popular nature reserve and health resort





"This region has a very unique environment ... that makes it a place to visit when one is looking for picturesque views, unforgettable travels and unity with nature."
Контекст говорит о том, что Камчатка идеально подходит для тех, кто ищет живописные виды и природу. Ответ 1 логично завершает предложение.

"Kamchatka is famous for its volcanoes, ... which are depicted on most souvenirs there."
Вулканов есть много, и они изображены на сувенирах, что подчёркивает их популярность и уникальность. Ответ 4 подходит.

"The region is also known ... to be a place of many water sources – rivers and lakes."
Упоминается, что Камчатка известна своими источниками воды – реками и озёрами. Это соответствует ответу 2.

"It is wonderful for those ... who love fishing, including Kamchatka bears."
Говорится о тех, кто любит рыбалку, включая медведей, что добавляет уникальности региона. Ответ 5 подходит.

"Kamchatka is a home to the Valley of Geysers, ... which has the second largest concentration of geysers in the world, after Icelandic geyser fields."
Гейзеров там много, они стоят на втором месте после Исландии. Ответ 6 логично завершает предложение.

"The Valley of Geysers’ ecosystem is very vulnerable, ... so it is necessary to monitor it all the time and regulate the visiting."
Здесь подчёркивается необходимость контроля и сохранения экосистемы. Ответ 3 завершает смысл.

Номер: 9F4E11

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Forbidden City

China’s largest and most important building is the Forbidden City, also known as the Imperial Palace. It is situated in the very heart of Beijing and it is a must-see A__________. Started between 1271-1368, much of the complex seen today was built between 1406 and 1420. Really many splendid palaces in one, this sprawling complex was the residence of 24 Ming and Qing emperors, B__________ other than the imperial family and their courtesans.

Covering some 720,000 square metres and protected by a 10-metre-high wall with watchtowers and a wide moat, this massive complex consists of different areas. They were set aside for ceremonial and administrative purposes, as well C__________. While it can take many hours to see everything, highlights include the five white marble Golden River Bridges and the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a 35-metre-tall building housing the imperial throne. One can enjoy the beautiful emperor’s banquet hall, D__________. There is the Palace Museum with its large collection of art and artifacts from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Other important attractions in the area around the Imperial Palace include famous Tiananmen Square and the Temple of Heaven, one of the country’s most important religious sites, E__________, the period of the Ming dynasty. In 1987, the former imperial residence was listed F__________.

1. which dates back to the 15th century
2. when visiting the country on a guided tour
3. who are concerned about the site protection
4. as a private residence used by the emperor
5. as a protected UNESCO World Heritage site
6. whose presence forbade the entry of anyone
7. which is known as the Hall of Preserving Harmony





"It is situated in the very heart of Beijing and it is a must-see ... when visiting the country on a guided tour."
Фраза говорит о значимости посещения Запретного города для туристов в Китае — логично завершить предложением, указывающим на его посещение с экскурсией. Ответ 2.

"Really many splendid palaces in one, this sprawling complex was the residence of 24 Ming and Qing emperors, ... whose presence forbade the entry of anyone other than the imperial family and their courtesans."
Контекст подчёркивает, что доступ в Запретный город имел только императорский двор. Ответ 6.

"They were set aside for ceremonial and administrative purposes, as well ... as a private residence used by the emperor."
Здесь упоминается жилое предназначение части комплекса, что соответствует ответу 4.

"One can enjoy the beautiful emperor’s banquet hall, ... which is known as the Hall of Preserving Harmony."
Фраза описывает банкетный зал, уточняя его название, что делает выбор ответа 7 логичным.

"One of the country’s most important religious sites, ... which dates back to the 15th century, the period of the Ming dynasty."
Упоминается историческая значимость храма Неба, относящегося к XV веку. Ответ 1.

"In 1987, the former imperial residence was listed ... as a protected UNESCO World Heritage site."
Фраза завершает текст упоминанием о включении Запретного города в список объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Ответ 5.

Номер: 6A4218

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State Darwin Museum

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist. He found that all species of life A__________ and worded out the scientific theory. According to it, evolution happens because of a process that is called natural selection.

The museum, like every prominent social and cultural event, has an individual initiative as its basis. The State Darwin Museum was B__________ and persuasion from A.F. Kots, a young Russian scientist who was very fond of Darwin. It was C__________ Higher Women’s Courses. It was the first museum of biological evolution and natural history in the world. Today the State Darwin Museum is D__________ three buildings with the total area more than
20 000 sq.m.

There are more than 5,000 items occupying the three floors of the museum. One of the most impressive sections has dinosaur models, presented with a fabulous dinosaur soundtrack. The museum E__________ the living world. It has a large display, which shows the variety of wildlife on earth, with animals from all climatic zones from the North Pole to the South.

One of the largest collections at the museum is the bird collection, which F__________ birds of paradise.

1. had evolved from common ancestors
2. built in Moscow in 1907, under pressure
3. showing most of the endangered species found in
4. the largest museum of natural science that occupies
5. established as an educational museum at the Moscow
6. presentsa complete scientific picture of the evolution of
7. consists of many exotic species, including hummingbirds and





"He found that all species of life ... had evolved from common ancestors and worded out the scientific theory."
Дарвин сформулировал теорию эволюции, утверждая, что все виды произошли от общих предков. Ответ 1.

"The State Darwin Museum was ... built in Moscow in 1907, under pressure and persuasion from A.F. Kots."
Музей был построен в Москве в 1907 году по инициативе и настоянию учёного А.Ф. Коца. Ответ 2.

"It was ... established as an educational museum at the Moscow Higher Women’s Courses."
Музей изначально выполнял образовательную функцию и был связан с Высшими женскими курсами. Ответ 5.

"Today the State Darwin Museum is ... the largest museum of natural science that occupies three buildings."
Современный Государственный Дарвиновский музей — крупнейший музей естествознания, занимающий три здания. Ответ 4.

"The museum ... presents a complete scientific picture of the evolution of the living world."
Музей демонстрирует научную картину эволюции жизни и разнообразие живого мира. Ответ 6.

"One of the largest collections at the museum is the bird collection, which ... consists of many exotic species, including hummingbirds and birds of paradise."
Коллекция птиц включает экзотические виды, такие как колибри и райские птицы. Ответ 7.

Номер: B4AC22

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Wembley Stadium

Wembley Stadium connected by EE is the national stadium of England and the home of English football. With 90,000 seats, it is the largest sports venue in the UK A__________. Pelé named this magnificent venue “The Cathedral of Football”. Wembley Stadium (branded as “Wembley Stadium connected by EE for sponsorship reasons”) is internationally recognized B__________ the biggest events including UEFA Champions League Finals in 2011 and 2013, Gold medal matches at the 2012 Olympic Games, England internationals, Emirates FA Cup Finals, concerts and much more!

The stadium continues to develop C__________ attract world class events and most recently include investment in a new pitch, LED floodlights, PA system and changing rooms. Wembley reopened its doors in 2007. The stadium was designed with rows of seats D__________ than in the original stadium and with better uninterrupted views.

The stadium’s most striking feature is the 133-metre-tall arch that sits above the north side. With the diameter of 7,4 metres, the arch is wide enough for a Channel Tunnel train to run through. With the span of 315 metres, the arch is the longest single span roof structure in the world, E__________.
A representative from every county in England was involved in the construction of the arch. The stadium bowl protects fans from bad weather with a sliding roof F__________.

1. and is visible right across London
2. that can be closed and reopened
3. that are higher and closer to the pitch
4. that are built in the best possible way
5. to maintain industry-leading facilities that
6. and the second-largest stadium in Europe
7. as an iconic, world-class venue that hosts





"With 90,000 seats, it is the largest sports venue in the UK ... and the second-largest stadium in Europe."
После информации о том, что стадион — крупнейший в Великобритании, логично добавить, что он занимает второе место среди стадионов Европы. Ответ 6.

"Wembley Stadium is internationally recognized ... as an iconic, world-class venue that hosts the biggest events."
Здесь говорится о его международной известности и статусе места проведения значимых мероприятий. Ответ 7.

"The stadium continues to develop ... to maintain industry-leading facilities that attract world class events."
Информация о модернизации стадиона указывает на его стремление оставаться лидером в своей отрасли. Ответ 5.

"The stadium was designed with rows of seats ... that are higher and closer to the pitch."
Обновлённый дизайн трибун улучшает видимость, и фраза о "высоте и близости к полю" завершает мысль. Ответ 3.

"With the span of 315 metres, the arch is the longest single span roof structure in the world, ... and is visible right across London."
Арка как ключевая особенность стадиона видна из разных точек Лондона, что подчёркивает её значимость. Ответ 1.

"The stadium bowl protects fans from bad weather with a sliding roof ... that can be closed and reopened."
Фраза завершает описание крыши, подчеркивая её функциональность. Ответ 2.

Номер: F5F7DA

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Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, located on small Hare Island, is the historic core of the city. The history of St. Petersburg begins with the history of the fortress.

Since 1700 Russia had been fighting the Northern War against Sweden. By 1703 the lands by the Neva River were conquered. To protect them from the attacks of the Swedes it was necessary to build a strong outpost here. The fortress was founded on Hare Island 16 (27) May, 1703 by joint plan of Peter I and French engineer Joseph-Gaspard Lambert de Guerin. This day is well known A__________.

The fortress stretches from west to east with six bastions B__________. The Peter’s Gate on the east side, C__________, has remained since the time of Peter I. The Peter and Paul Cathedral, D__________ emperors and the monument of Russian baroque, was completed after the death of the emperor, in 1733. The weathervane as a golden angel with a cross, E__________, is one of the main symbols of the city. On the opposite side of the cathedral, there is the Mint building, constructed in the time of Paul I by architect A. Porto. Coinage was moved to the fortress F__________ in the time of Peter I. The Peter and Paul Fortress has never directly participated in any fighting. From the very beginning of its existence it was used as a political prison. Since 1924 the Peter and Paul Fortress has been a part of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg.

1. that are located at the corners
2. which was designed by D. Trezzini
3. as the most protected part of the city
4. which was the burial place of Russian
5. as the day of the birth of St. Petersburg
6. and reminding of the rich history of the city
7. which is located on the spire of the cathedral





"This day is well known ... as the day of the birth of St. Petersburg."
16 (27) мая 1703 года — историческая дата основания Санкт-Петербурга, поэтому выбор ответа 5 логичен.

"The fortress stretches from west to east with six bastions ... that are located at the corners."
Бастионы расположены на углах крепости, что описывает конструкцию хорошо. Ответ 1 подходит.

"The Peter’s Gate on the east side, ... which was designed by D. Trezzini, has remained since the time of Peter I."
Ворота спроектированы архитектором Трезини — важная деталь описания. Ответ 2.

"The Peter and Paul Cathedral, ... which was the burial place of Russian emperors and the monument of Russian baroque, was completed after the death of the emperor, in 1733."
Собор описан как место захоронения императоров и памятник архитектуры. Ответ 4 корректен.

"The weathervane as a golden angel with a cross, ... which is located on the spire of the cathedral, is one of the main symbols of the city."
Упоминается ангел на шпиле собора — важный символ города. Ответ 7 логично завершает предложение.

"Coinage was moved to the fortress ... as the most protected part of the city in the time of Peter I."
Монетный двор стратегически размещён в самом защищённом месте города. Ответ 3 завершает описательную часть текста.

Номер: 2837D0

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Sights of Sochi

Sochi is unique among other Russian cities because it has many aspects of a subtropical resort. Apart from the scenic Caucasus Mountains, pebble and sand beaches, the city attracts tourists with its vegetation, numerous parks, monuments, and extravagant architecture. About two million people visit Greater Sochi each summer, A__________. The famous Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, B__________, lies just north from the city.

Popularity of Sochi among tourists is largely explained by the beauty of its surroundings. Walking along the river Agura, everyone will admire the nature around, C__________, and amazing waterfalls. From the bridge over the Agura opens a magnificent view to the lowest Agura waterfall. In the shady Agura gorge tourists will feel the gentle coolness, D__________.

Akhun Mountain undefined the biggest in the region undefined has a beautiful tower on the top. The height of the tower is more than 30 metres, E__________ are stunning. The observation platform on the top of the tower gives a chance to take superb pictures of the city. Every year thousands of people visit this stone tower, F__________ the perfect view of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus Mountains. It is a truly unforgettable experience. Tourists will enjoy visiting all the sights and the resort itself, full of exotic green and the boundless blue of the Black Sea.

1. and the views that open from it
2. which is built on the top to give visitors
3. when the subtropical resort is almost empty
4. which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
5. enjoying the sound of birds singing and waterfalls gurgling
6. when the city is home to the annual film festival “Kinotavr”
7. including high cliffs, exotic vegetation, breathtaking canyons





"About two million people visit Greater Sochi each summer, ... when the city is home to the annual film festival “Kinotavr.”"
Летом Сочи — место проведения международного кинофестиваля, что логично завершает предложение. Ответ 6.

"The famous Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, ... which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies just north from the city."
Подчёркивается мировое значение Кавказского биосферного заповедника, находящегося неподалёку от Сочи. Ответ 4.

"Walking along the river Agura, everyone will admire the nature around, ... including high cliffs, exotic vegetation, breathtaking canyons, and amazing waterfalls."
Описание природной красоты соответствует перечислению каньонов, скал, растительности и водопадов. Ответ 7.

"In the shady Agura gorge tourists will feel the gentle coolness, ... enjoying the sound of birds singing and waterfalls gurgling."
Шум воды и singing birds идеально завершает описание тенистой долины реки Агуры. Ответ 5.

"The height of the tower is more than 30 metres, ... and the views that open from it are stunning."
Башня на вершине Ахун известна захватывающими видами, что делает Ответ 1 подходящим.

"Thousands of people visit this stone tower, ... which is built on the top to give visitors the perfect view of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus Mountains."
Указывается цель башни — предоставить панорамные виды. Ответ 2.

Номер: 01CE56

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Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

This luxurious cathedral was completed in 1997 – just in time to celebrate Moscow’s 850th birthday. The cathedral’s sheer size and splendour guarantee its role A__________. Muscovites and the guests of Moscow can admire the beauty of this church in the city centre today. The shining gold domes are spectacular to look at from outside and even more impressive inside.

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is located on the bank of the river on the site of an earlier and similar church of the same name, B__________ Russia’s victory over Napoleon. The Cathedral replicates its predecessor in many ways. Frescoes around the main gallery depict scenes from the War of 1812, C__________.

The original church was destroyed in 1931, during Stalin’s hard times of the religion’s decay. His plan to replace the church with a 315-metre-high Palace of Soviets never got off the ground – literally. Instead, for 50 years the site had served another important purpose. It had been used D__________.

The original cathedral was built on a hill, which has been levelled since then. The contemporary cathedral has been constructed on a wide base, E__________ Church of Transfiguration. This ground-level chapel contains the unique old icon Christ Not Painted by Hand by Yevgraf Sorokin, F__________ the original cathedral.

1. as the world’s largest swimming pool
2. as a grand landmark of Russia’s capital
3. which was quite miraculously saved from
4. when the restoration work on the site began
5. which contains the smaller, but not less stunning
6. while marble plaques remember its participants
7. which was built in the 19th century to commemorate





"The cathedral’s sheer size and splendour guarantee its role ... as a grand landmark of Russia’s capital."
Огромные размеры и величие храма подчёркивают его как важнейший архитектурный объект Москвы. Ответ 2.

"The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is located on the bank of the river on the site of an earlier and similar church of the same name, ... which was built in the 19th century to commemorate Russia’s victory over Napoleon."
Упоминается, что прежний храм был построен в честь победы над Наполеоном. Ответ 7.

"Frescoes around the main gallery depict scenes from the War of 1812, ... while marble plaques remember its participants."
Фрески и мраморные таблички посвящены событиям и участникам войны 1812 года. Ответ 6.

"It had been used ... as the world’s largest swimming pool."
На месте храма находился бассейн, который считался крупнейшим в мире. Ответ 1.

"The contemporary cathedral has been constructed on a wide base, ... which contains the smaller, but not less stunning Church of Transfiguration."
Новый храм имеет встроенную небольшую церковь Преображения. Ответ 5.

"This ground-level chapel contains the unique old icon Christ Not Painted by Hand by Yevgraf Sorokin, ... which was quite miraculously saved from the original cathedral."
Икона чудом сохранилась после разрушения первоначального храма. Ответ 3.

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Burns Night

Each year Scottish people across the world celebrate a unique dinner known as “Burns Night”. This is A__________ called Robert Burns. Traditionally it happens on his birthday, the 25th January. Scotland can be very dark and cold at this time of year, so it’s B__________ with friends and family. Burns is still an important figure in Scotland and even though he died in 1796 at the age of 37, he was recently voted “The Greatest Scot”. His birthday has become as important as Scotland’s national day, St Andrew’s Day.

The idea for C__________ soon after his death, and these days is actually quite a complicated affair. To start people are sat down at the table and the host reads a poem called “The Selkirk Grace”. It’s normally done in a Scottish dialect which even English people find difficult to understand. Although Burns probably didn't actually write this, he is known D__________. Next, soup is served. The highlight though is listening to a bagpiper playing as the main course of haggis arrives.

Haggis is a special dish made from a mixture of sheep heart, lung and liver and oats, which is a bit like a giant sausage and surprisingly tasty. So tasty in fact that Robert Burns wrote E__________. After dinner there’s a speaker, who may recite more poetry and a toast is made to the memory of Robert Burns. Next F__________ about ladies and a female guest replies with a funny speech about men. Throughout the rest of the night there is even more of Burns’ poetry.

1. to have read it at a dinner
2. the next course is served which is
3. a male guest makes a funny speech
4. to remember a famous Scottish poet
5. an excellent reason to enjoy a large dinner
6. a poem about it called ‘Address to a Haggis’
7. a dinner started over two hundred years ago





"This is ... to remember a famous Scottish poet called Robert Burns."
Смысл фразы заключается в том, что "Ночь Бернса" проводится в честь знаменитого шотландского поэта. Логично завершить предложение ответом 4.

"Scotland can be very dark and cold at this time of year, so it’s ... an excellent reason to enjoy a large dinner with friends and family."
Поскольку погода суровая, ужин с друзьями и семьёй — хороший повод собраться. Ответ 5.

"The idea for ... a dinner started over two hundred years ago, soon after his death, and these days is actually quite a complicated affair."
Здесь логично указать, что традиция ужина началась около двухсот лет назад. Ответ 7.

"Although Burns probably didn’t actually write this, he is known ... to have read it at a dinner."
Бернс не написал это произведение, но его знают как человека, который читал его на ужинах. Ответ: 1.

"So tasty in fact that Robert Burns wrote ... a poem about it called ‘Address to a Haggis.’"
Речь идёт о знаменитом стихотворении Бернса, которое он посвятил хаггису. Ответ 6.

"Next ... a male guest makes a funny speech about ladies and a female guest replies with a funny speech about men."
После ужина становятся звучать забавные речи; логично завершить фразу ответом 3.

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Going green

Green buildings. Green energy. Green cleaning. Once upon a time, green was just another colour in your crayon box. It was also a word A__________. In recent years, “green” has become the universal word for all environmentally friendly things.

The happy hum of a washing machine, B__________ are some of the soothing sounds of home. And there are times when these appliances are running all at once at your place. But as C__________ pollution. The more energy your home consumes, the harder power plants have to work, and the more pollution enters the environment.

As a resident of a fragile planet, you do want to do your part to help the environment. So you recycle, you use D__________ and you never let the water run while you’re brushing your teeth. But as you do your part to protect the environment, it’s important E__________ can also improve your health. For example, reducing carbon dioxide emissions can be achieved in many ways, and can benefit your health. By deciding to use your bike or walk to work, you benefit both F__________. You reduce your fossil fuel consumption and increase leisure-time physical activity and connect with others. So, don’t hesitate and go green whenever you can.

1. to keep in mind that living green
2. your health and the local environment
3. biking, walking or working from home
4. public transportation whenever you can
5. clothes dryer, dishwasher and refrigerator
6. the neighbour used to describe your garden
7. your electricity usage goes up, so does the air





"It was also a word ... the neighbour used to describe your garden."
Ранее слово «зелёный» использовалось для описания сада или растений. Ответ 6.

"The happy hum of a washing machine, ... clothes dryer, dishwasher and refrigerator are some of the soothing sounds of home."
Перечисление бытовых приборов, которые издают "приятные" для дома звуки. Ответ 5.

"But as ... your electricity usage goes up, so does the air pollution."
Чем больше энергии потребляется, тем выше загрязнение воздуха. Ответ 7.

"So you recycle, you use ... public transportation whenever you can."
Использование общественного транспорта — это одно из простых решений для защиты окружающей среды. Ответ 4.

"But as you do your part to protect the environment, it’s important ... to keep in mind that living green can also improve your health."
Важно помнить, что «зеленый» образ жизни не только полезен для природы, но и для здоровья. Ответ 1.

"By deciding to use your bike or walk to work, you benefit both ... your health and the local environment."
Езда на велосипеде или прогулки полезны как для личного здоровья, так и для окружающей среды. Ответ 2.

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Saint Petersburg

A city of palaces and museums, broad avenues and narrow canals, St. Petersburg’s short history is rich in architectural and artistic treasures. Alongside world-famous attractions such as the Hermitage and St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the city has a lot of equally interesting buildings A__________. St. Petersburg is considered to be Russia’s cultural capital. It reflects the country’s extraordinary fate like no other city.

St. Petersburg is a relatively young city, by both Russian and European standards, as B__________. Despite its short life, the city has a rich history. From the early days of Peter the Great to modern times, the city has always bustled with life and intrigue.

Lying across the delta of the Neva River, St. Petersburg, the Venice of the North, is a city C__________, some of which are well-known for their unique history. Bridges are an essential part of the city’s architectural make-up. Among the city’s over 500 bridges, there are numerous technological masterpieces. The centre of the city offers vast areas of green space, D__________.

St. Petersburg is a beautiful and fascinating holiday destination and one E__________. Whether to visit the city in a romantic and snowy Russian winter F__________, visitors will be spellbound by
St. Petersburg’s culture and beauty.

1. that is built on hundreds of islands
2. or during the dazzling white nights in summer
3. it was only founded in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great
4. or considering a variety of the trip accommodation offers
5. that reveal the mysterious and tragic genius of St. Petersburg
6. of the most intriguing and historically significant cities in Europe
7. including beautiful historic gardens and extensive leisure parks





"Alongside world-famous attractions such as the Hermitage and St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the city has a lot of equally interesting buildings ... that reveal the mysterious and tragic genius of St. Petersburg."
Город славится не только известными достопримечательностями, но и зданиями, которые раскрывают его атмосферу и характер. Ответ 5.

"St. Petersburg is a relatively young city, by both Russian and European standards, as ... it was only founded in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great."
Санкт-Петербург был основан относительно недавно по историческим меркам. Ответ 3.

"Lying across the delta of the Neva River, St. Petersburg, the Venice of the North, is a city ... that is built on hundreds of islands, some of which are well-known for their unique history."
Подчёркивается, что город построен на множестве островов. Ответ 1.

"The centre of the city offers vast areas of green space, ... including beautiful historic gardens and extensive leisure parks."
Зелёные зоны в центре города, такие как исторические сады и парки, логично завершают мысль. Ответ 7.

"St. Petersburg is a beautiful and fascinating holiday destination and one ... of the most intriguing and historically significant cities in Europe."
Город описывается как уникальное место, важное для истории Европы. Ответ 6.

"Whether to visit the city in a romantic and snowy Russian winter ... or during the dazzling white nights in summer, visitors will be spellbound by St. Petersburg’s culture and beauty."
Уточняется, что город прекрасен в любое время года, особенно зимой и летом. Ответ 2.

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The wisteria tree

Would you like to visit the colourful jungle from The Avatar movie? Then it’s high time A__________ in Tochigi, Japan. Its fairytale-like scenery is so beautiful and enigmatic, it almost seems unreal. The park is home to an ancient wisteria tree B__________ “the most beautiful in the world.” At around 160 years old, the massive tree is stunning when in full bloom. The vertical flowers hang so far down that they nearly touch the ground and create a purplish-pink cloud that floats above the grass.

Human care helps to give Ashikaga’s wisteria tree its stunning appearance. Because of its age and the number of blooms, the tree branches are supported by metal beams C__________ an amazing flower umbrella. When the night falls, thousands of lights illuminate the tree and make the spectacle all the more awe-inspiring. With its fairytale feel, it’s no wonder that the tree D__________ around the world.

In 2014, Ashikaga Flower Park was selected as the “World’s Dream Travel Destination” by CNN. If E__________, the best time of year to do so is from the middle of April to the middle of May. Though a trip to Japan might be out of the question right now, the Ashikaga Flower Park website should give you a taste of what it’s like to see the wisteria tree in all its glory. It also F__________ currently in bloom —
including what they look like now.

1. that is often referred to as
2. has information about other flowers
3. you travelled to the Ashikaga Flower Park
4. you’d like to visit the wisteria tree yourself
5. we move our eyes across a variety of colours
6. has been a muse for landscape photographers
7. which stretch across more than 600 metres and form





"Then it’s high time … you travelled to the Ashikaga Flower Park in Tochigi, Japan."
Фраза предполагает, что читатель должен посетить парк, поэтому наиболее подходящий вариант — 3.

"The park is home to an ancient wisteria tree … that is often referred to as 'the most beautiful in the world.'"
Здесь подчёркивается статус дерева, которое называют самым красивым в мире. Ответ 1.

"The tree branches are supported by metal beams … which stretch across more than 600 metres and form an amazing flower umbrella."
Описывается структура поддерживающих металлических конструкций, создающих «зонтик» из цветов. Ответ 7.

"With its fairytale feel, it’s no wonder that the tree … has been a muse for landscape photographers around the world."
Подчёркивается вдохновляющая природа дерева для фотографов. Ответ 6.

"If … you’d like to visit the wisteria tree yourself, the best time of year to do so is from the middle of April to the middle of May."
Речь идёт о туризме и желании увидеть дерево самостоятельно. Ответ 4.

"It also … has information about other flowers currently in bloom — including what they look like now."
На вебсайте парка можно узнать информацию и о других цветах. Ответ 2.

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Tourism in Altai

Hundreds of tourists come to Altai every year. The most popular kinds of activities are climbing, snowboarding and hiking around the legendary routes. Cycling, diving, rafting, kayaking, sailing, swimming and fishing are widely enjoyed as well. Many people come there for more passive relaxation, such as spa, and feasting their eyes upon the flower of maralnik, A__________, blossoming in spring. Eco tourists are often attracted by collecting healing herbs, horse riding and participating in cultural events, such as the famous “Votetno” in summer, B__________.

Tourist season is in the full swing there usually in the summer. And there is no doubt that it is the perfect time for people C__________ different activities. In summer, one may do the full scope of season activities, from collecting herbs D__________ – all those kinds of hot season entertainment for tourists.

Winter season begins in the region of Altai in December and ends in March. It is the perfect option E__________. Winter activities are skating and mountain skiing, riding Russian three horses (“troika”), driving snowmobiles and winter fishing. Everybody will find an entertainment to one’s taste. The most popular city for skiing is Belokurikha.

Another original way of staying in Altai is housekeeping and taking care of one’s own house and animals. It is the best option for those F__________ of busy cities.

1. which is a kind of rhododendron
2. for celebrating winter holidays there
3. who prefer peaceful life to the noise
4. who would like to be involved in many
5. to climbing, sailing, rafting and fishing
6. and enjoy many traditional winter sports
7. which is a local festival at the end of July





"… feasting their eyes upon the flower of maralnik, … which is a kind of rhododendron, blossoming in spring."
Здесь описывается цветок маральника, его ботаническое обозначение. Ответ 1.

"… participating in cultural events, such as the famous 'Votetno' in summer, … which is a local festival at the end of July."
Фестиваль "Вотэтно" проводится в июле, что подтверждает выбор ответа 7.

"… it is the perfect time for people … who would like to be involved in many different activities."
Лето прекрасно подходит для тех, кто хочет активно участвовать в разнообразных мероприятиях. Ответ 4.

"… from collecting herbs … to climbing, sailing, rafting and fishing."
Перечисляются летние активности, такие как травосбор, рыбалка и водные виды спорта. Логично подходит ответ 5.

"It is the perfect option … for celebrating winter holidays there."
Зима на Алтае — идеальный выбор для тех, кто хочет провести зимние праздничные дни. Ответ 2.

"… for those … who prefer peaceful life to the noise of busy cities."
Описание уединённого и спокойного образа жизни подходит для тех, кому нужно отвлечься от городской суеты. Ответ 3.

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The life of Pi

“The Life of Pi” published in 2001 is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel. It has A__________, won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages.

At the start of the book, we B__________ in India. His father owns the city zoo and the family home is in the zoo. When they aren’t at school, Pi and his brother help their father at the zoo and he learns a lot about animals.

When Pi is sixteen, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They travel by ship taking the animals with them. On the way, there is C__________. Sadly, Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and an enormous tiger. At first, Pi is scared of the animals and jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the water and decides to climb back into the lifeboat. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Luckily for Pi, there is D__________, but he soon needs to start catching fish. He feeds the tiger to stop it killing and eating him. He also uses a whistle and E__________ and show it that he’s the boss.

Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and the burning heat of the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to F__________ in the end!

1. a terrible storm and the ship sinks
2. received an award for being strong
3. some food and water on the lifeboat
4. sold seven million copies worldwide
5. read the book to find out what happens
6. learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry
7. his knowledge of animals to control the tiger





"It has ... sold seven million copies worldwide, won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages."
Описание успеха книги логично завершается упоминанием количества проданных экземпляров. Ответ: 4.

"At the start of the book, we ... learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry."
Начало книги описывает детство главного героя в индийском городе. Ответ 6.

"On the way, there is ... a terrible storm and the ship sinks."
Речь идёт о трагедии, когда судно терпит крушение из-за шторма. Ответ 1.

"Luckily for Pi, there is ... some food and water on the lifeboat, but he soon needs to start catching fish."
Пису удаётся найти немного еды и воды, что помогает ему выживать на первых порах. Ответ 3.

"He also uses a whistle and ... his knowledge of animals to control the tiger and show it that he’s the boss."
Пи использует свои знания о животных, чтобы выжить на одной лодке с тигром. Ответ 7.

"Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to ... read the book to find out what happens in the end!"
Финал сохраняется интригующим, читателю предлагается открыть его самостоятельно. Ответ 5.

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Russian souvenirs

Russia is famous for its diversity, as well as its hospitality. The best way to show Russia to someone is to bring home something special. Matryoshka and balalaika are quite stereotypical presents. There are many other goods A__________.

Woolen shawls have always been popular in Russia because of cold winters. The shawls made in Pavlovsky Posad, B__________, are considered to be a traditional Russian gift. Woolen shawls and scarves have been made there since 1795. A wide shawl with a beautiful original pattern on it may be used like a blanket. It is nice to cover oneself up with it sitting in the armchair, watching a movie, C__________. The Pavlovsky Posad manufacture produces scarves for men as well. They can be bought through the Internet, or in brand stores, D__________.

Belyovskaya pastila is a souvenir E__________. It has been made since the 19th century in the town of Belyov near Tula. This is a very special kind of Russian confection. Though it is called “pastila”, it is not a marshmallow style delicacy. Belyovskaya pastila is made of dried apples. After they have been dried, they are mixed with egg whites and sugar and whipped. Belyovskaya pastila is similar to a cake, F__________ of apples. It is considered to be a natural product, and it is not of average price. Tourists can buy this kind of sweet at some confectioner’s shops throughout Moscow.

1. although it has a slightly sour taste
2. reading a book, or drinking coffee or tea
3. riding a bike around the villages in Russia
4. that pleases the people with a sweet tooth
5. that one may buy in Moscow as a souvenir
6. which is a town not very far from Moscow
7. which are situated in the centre of Moscow





"There are many other goods ... that one may buy in Moscow as a souvenir."
Контекст говорит о разнообразии сувениров, которые можно приобрести в Москве. Ответ 5.

"The shawls made in Pavlovsky Posad, ... which is a town not very far from Moscow, are considered to be a traditional Russian gift."
Павловский Посад — город недалеко от Москвы, который известен своими платками. Ответ 6.

"It is nice to cover oneself up with it sitting in the armchair, watching a movie, ... reading a book, or drinking coffee or tea."
Платок описывается как уютная вещь для использования в домашней обстановке. Ответ 2.

"They can be bought through the Internet, or in brand stores, ... which are situated in the centre of Moscow."
Подчёркивается, что фирменные магазины платков расположены в центре Москвы. Ответ 7.

"Belyovskaya pastila is a souvenir ... that pleases the people with a sweet tooth."
Пастила упоминается как сладость, которая понравится любителям сладкого. Ответ 4.

"Belyovskaya pastila is similar to a cake, ... although it has a slightly sour taste."
Подчёркивается вкус пастилы, который немного кислый, что отличает её от обычных сладостей. Ответ 1.

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Chinese tea house in Moscow

The bright building on Myasnitskaya Street in Moscow stands out among others and attracts the attention of passers-by with its non-typical elements for Russian architecture. The tea house resembles a Chinese pagoda and it is considered to be the real office of a company that was involved in tea trade.

This house in the Chinese style was built for the tea merchant Sergei Vasilievich Perlov A__________ in order to establish his own business. He bought the land on Myasnitskaya Street in the centre of Moscow in 1875, B__________ in 1891. The construction was finished by 1893. The first floor was for Perlov’s tea shop, C__________ profitable apartments for rent and the host’s own family.

The front side of the newly built house was redecorated in the Chinese style after several years. A little tower in the form of a pagoda appeared D__________ molded dragons, snakes, Chinese umbrellas and lanterns. Some materials for decoration were even brought directly from China. It was made before the visit of the Chinese Ambassador Li Hongzhang, E__________ Nikolai II and Alexandra Fyodorovna coronation. The merchant Perlov thought that it might be useful for his tea business F__________ at this house. He preferred the house of Perlov’s brother and competitor. But thanks to this case now there is a beautiful exotic building right in the city centre, as if it came right from another part of the world.

1. who was going to visit Moscow for
2. who left the family tea trade company
3. and the other two floors were used for
4. and began to build the new house on it
5. and the front side was decorated with
6. which was imported mainly from China
7. but the Ambassador did not in fact stay





"The tea house resembles a Chinese pagoda and it is considered to be the real office of a company that was involved in tea trade. This house in the Chinese style was built for the tea merchant Sergei Vasilievich Perlov ... who left the family tea trade company in order to establish his own business."
Здесь подчёркивается, что Перлов ушёл из семейного бизнеса, чтобы начать своё дело. Ответ 2.

"He bought the land on Myasnitskaya Street in the centre of Moscow in 1875, ... and began to build the new house on it in 1891."
Контекст говорит о покупке земли и начале строительства спустя годы. Ответ 4.

"The first floor was for Perlov’s tea shop, ... and the other two floors were used for profitable apartments for rent and the host’s own family."
Фраза описывает, как использовались остальные этажи здания. Ответ 3.

"A little tower in the form of a pagoda appeared ... and the front side was decorated with molded dragons, snakes, Chinese umbrellas and lanterns."
Указывается, что фасад украшен элементами китайского стиля. Ответ 5.

"It was made before the visit of the Chinese Ambassador Li Hongzhang, ... who was going to visit Moscow for Nikolai II and Alexandra Fyodorovna coronation."
Речь идёт о цели визита китайского посла в Москву на коронацию Николая II. Ответ 1.

"The merchant Perlov thought that it might be useful for his tea business ... but the Ambassador did not in fact stay at this house."
Однако посол в итоге не остановился в этом доме. Ответ 7.

Номер: C5F1E8

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Russian food

Russian food is full of flavour and Russian cuisine is as diverse as the regions in the huge country. It may not be the first to come to mind A__________, but the country has plenty of delicious traditional dishes to try. Visitors to Russia are often surprised at the variety and flavors of Russian cuisine, which is influenced by Russia’s connection to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The most classic Russian recipes B__________, porridges, and stuffed dough. Sour cream accompanies many dishes.

Russian food is famously heavy, filled with potatoes, mayonnaise, meat, and other delicious but not-too-healthy things. Yet, not all Russian food is a calorie bomb! There are C__________ also very healthy. If you’re watching your diet but D__________ food, the best one is borscht.

Borscht is a beet soup that originated in Ukraine and was quickly adopted as a Russian specialty as well. This soup may taste strange, but E__________ you, as it is filled with cheap and healthy root vegetables like beets and carrots. It can be served with sour cream or yogurt and a sprinkle of fresh parsley on top. It takes quite a long time to make, but I do recommend making the stock from scratch instead of using store-bought. If you find that the stock is still lacking in flavour for whatever reason, F__________ the water.

1. when you think of a food destination
2. don’t hesitate to add a bouillon cube to
3. especially vegetable soups, pasta and stews
4. it is actually incredibly healthy and good for
5. are made of veggies and wheat, such as soups
6. still want to try some traditional Russian dinner
7. some dinner dishes which are not only delicious but





"It may not be the first to come to mind ... when you think of a food destination, but the country has plenty of delicious traditional dishes to try."
Россия может не казаться очевидным выбором для гастрономического туризма, но в стране множество вкусных блюд. Ответ 1.

"The most classic Russian recipes ... are made of veggies and wheat, such as soups, porridges, and stuffed dough."
Классические блюда русской кухни часто готовятся из овощей и зерновых, таких как супы и каши. Ответ 5.

"There are ... some dinner dishes which are not only delicious but also very healthy."
Не все русские блюда калорийны, есть также полезные и вкусные. Ответ 7.

"If you’re watching your diet but ... still want to try some traditional Russian dinner, the best one is borscht."
Если вы заботитесь о фигуре, но всё же хотите попробовать традиционное блюдо, борщ — отличный выбор. Ответ 6.

"It may taste strange, but ... it is actually incredibly healthy and good for you, as it is filled with cheap and healthy root vegetables like beets and carrots."
Борщ может казаться необычным на вкус, но он полезен благодаря ингредиентам, таким как свёкла и морковь. Ответ 4.

"If you find that the stock is still lacking in flavour for whatever reason, ... don’t hesitate to add a bouillon cube to the water."
Если вкус недостаточно насыщен, можно добавить бульонный кубик. Ответ 2.

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Nevsky Prospect

Nevsky Prospect is the main and most famous street of St. Petersburg. The unique architectural ensemble of Nevsky Prospect was formed during the 18th –
early 20th centuries. It starts from the bank of the Neva River, runs through the centre of the city and ends at the Neva River. The whole history of St. Petersburg can be seen in the history of the avenue. The length of Nevsky Prospect is 4.5 km, the width is 25-60 m. The narrowest section is located from the Admiralty to the Moika River, A__________.

After the construction of the Admiralty in 1704 and the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in 1710, it was decided to build a road B__________ each other and with the Novgorod Path, which was used by Russian merchants. The construction began on both sides at the same time, the roads were laid through the wood, and in 1760s they were connected into one road, C__________, but with a turn at the Vosstaniya Square. Nevsky Prospect got its name only in 1783. The road was paved with cobble stones, D__________. It was the first street in St. Petersburg with gas lighting. By the early 20th century Nevsky Prospect had become the financial centre of Russia E__________ had their offices there.

Nowadays, Nevsky Prospect is the centre of cultural and social life of
St. Petersburg. There are museums, theatres, exhibition halls, cinemas, restaurants, cafés, shops F__________.

1. and hotels there or nearby the avenue
2. showing the original width of the avenue
3. which was not as straight as it was planned
4. which were built by famous architects and
5. connecting these two important structures with
6. and a few rows of trees were planted along the street
7. as the 40 largest banks of Russia, Europe and America





"The narrowest section is located from the Admiralty to the Moika River, ... showing the original width of the avenue."
Сужение проспекта рядом с Адмиралтейством связано с первоначальной шириной улицы. Ответ 2.

"After the construction of the Admiralty in 1704 and the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in 1710, it was decided to build a road ... connecting these two important structures with each other and with the Novgorod Path."
Строительство дороги было направлено на соединение двух значимых сооружений — Адмиралтейства и монастыря. Ответ 5.

"The construction began on both sides at the same time, the roads were laid through the wood, and in 1760s they were connected into one road, ... which was not as straight as it was planned, but with a turn at the Vosstaniya Square."
При соединении дороги оказалось, что она не такая прямая, как планировалось, с изгибом на площади Восстания. Ответ 3.

"The road was paved with cobble stones, ... and a few rows of trees were planted along the street."
Улицу вымостили камнем, а также посадили деревья по её краям. Ответ 6.

"By the early 20th century Nevsky Prospect had become the financial centre of Russia ... as the 40 largest banks of Russia, Europe and America had their offices there."
К началу XX века проспект был финансовым центром, где находились крупнейшие банки. Ответ 7.

"There are museums, theatres, exhibition halls, cinemas, restaurants, cafés, shops ... and hotels there or nearby the avenue."
Современный Невский проспект — это место с множеством культурных и развлекательных заведений. Ответ 1.

Номер: D2056A

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Around Moscow

As one leaves Moscow, the fast-paced modern capital fades from view and the slower-paced, old-fashioned countryside unfolds around. The subtly changing landscape of the Moscow region is crossed by winding rivers and dotted with peasant villages. This is the classic provincial Russia, A__________ writers over the centuries.

Ancient Russian towns and cities situated not far from Moscow are united in the Golden Ring. The towns are arranged in a circular pattern around the capital, forming a ring. These towns, B__________ Russian Orthodoxy, Pereslavl Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir, were built between the 11th and 17th centuries. The Golden Ring area provides an excellent opportunity to view a typical old Russian town C__________ monasteries. Today, these towns are often known as open-air museums. The unique monuments of Russian architecture are kept and compiled there, reminding visitors of the dramatic events and different personalities of the past D__________. In Suzdal and Kostroma there are two interesting outdoor architectural museums – entire wooden villages E__________. All the towns of the Golden Ring have been well restored. Many of the buildings are now museums F__________ the country during their Golden Age, an age that lasted over four centuries.

1. that made up glorious Russian history
2. which was immortalized by artists and
3. that still keeps its Kremlin, churches and
4. that were built to represent old Russian life
5. whose contribution is internationally accepted
6. including Sergiev Posad, which is the centre of the
7. tracing the history of the area that was the centre of





"This is the classic provincial Russia, ... which was immortalized by artists and writers over the centuries."
Провинциальная Россия описана как вдохновение для художников и писателей. Ответ 2.

"These towns, ... including Sergiev Posad, which is the centre of the Russian Orthodoxy, Pereslavl Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir, were built between the 11th and 17th centuries."
Сергиев Посад и другие города упомянуты как центры русской православной культуры. Ответ 6.

"The Golden Ring area provides an excellent opportunity to view a typical old Russian town ... that still keeps its Kremlin, churches and monasteries."
Города Золотого кольца сохраняют свои кремли, церкви и монастыри, что подчёркивает их уникальность. Ответ 3.

"The unique monuments of Russian architecture are kept and compiled there, reminding visitors of the dramatic events and different personalities of the past ... that made up glorious Russian history."
Уникальные памятники архитектуры связаны с событиями и личностями, составляющими славную историю России. Ответ 1.

"In Suzdal and Kostroma there are two interesting outdoor architectural museums – entire wooden villages ... that were built to represent old Russian life."
Деревянные постройки в музеях отражают русскую деревенскую жизнь прошлого. Ответ 4.

"Many of the buildings are now museums ... tracing the history of the area that was the centre of the country during their Golden Age, an age that lasted over four centuries."
Музеи рассказывают историю региона, который был центром России в течение многих веков. Ответ 7.

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State Hermitage Museum

The Hermitage is St. Petersburg’s most popular visitor attraction, and one of the world’s largest and most prestigious museums. It is a must-see for all first-time travellers to the city. With over 3 million items in its collection, it also rewards repeat visits, A__________ of the riches on offer here, from Impressionist masterpieces to fascinating Oriental treasures. It was estimated B__________ on display for just one minute. So many visitors prefer a guided tour to ensure C__________ highlights. Art-lovers, however, may find it more rewarding to seek out for themselves the works D__________.

The bulk of the Hermitage collection is housed in the Winter Palace, E__________. However, there are a number of other sites that constitute part of the Hermitage, including the recently opened Storage Facility in the north of St. Petersburg. It offers guided tours through some of the museum’s vast stocks. The magnificent General Staff Building opposite the Winter Palace is most famous for its central triumphal arch, F__________ Nevsky Prospekt. The General Staff Building contains a number of unique exhibitions. It includes the Modern European Art, probably the most visited section of the Hermitage with well-known collections of Picasso and Matisse, as well as a wealth of popular Impressionist paintings.

1. that they are particularly interested in
2. that they have time to catch all the collection’s
3. and new-comers can only hope to get a brief taste
4. which brings pedestrians out on to Palace Square from
5. that one would need eleven years to view each exhibit
6. which was the official residence of the Russian emperors
7. and the exhibition was often visited by military historians





"It also rewards repeat visits, ... and new-comers can only hope to get a brief taste of the riches on offer here, from Impressionist masterpieces to fascinating Oriental treasures."
В этом предложении подчёркивается, что новые посетители могут ознакомиться только с небольшой частью коллекции. Ответ 3.

"It was estimated ... that one would need eleven years to view each exhibit on display for just one minute."
Здесь говорится об огромном масштабе коллекции Эрмитажа и необходимости десятков лет, чтобы её увидеть. Ответ 5.

"So many visitors prefer a guided tour to ensure ... that they have time to catch all the collection’s highlights."
Туристы предпочитают экскурсии, чтобы успеть увидеть все ключевые экспонаты. Ответ 2.

"Art-lovers, however, may find it more rewarding to seek out for themselves the works ... that they are particularly interested in."
Любители искусства могут выбирать экспонаты, которые им интересны. Ответ 1.

"The bulk of the Hermitage collection is housed in the Winter Palace, ... which was the official residence of the Russian emperors."
Эрмитаж расположен в Зимнем дворце, который был официальной резиденцией российских императоров. Ответ 6.

"The General Staff Building opposite the Winter Palace is most famous for its central triumphal arch, ... which brings pedestrians out on to Palace Square from Nevsky Prospekt."
Здесь описывается знаменитая арка, соединяющая Невский проспект и Дворцовую площадь. Ответ 4.

Номер: 2C5F33

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The exact date of Kazan foundation is unknown. According to the opinions of some historians, it was founded in the second half of the 13th century, but other specialists believe A__________. It is located on the banks of the Volga River. Since 1438 the city was the capital of Kazan Khanate, B__________ Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Nowadays, Kazan is the capital of the Tatarstan republic. Kazan is a large industrial centre of the region. It witnessed many important historical events. Kazan is a very interesting city from the architectural point of view. Here one can see old buildings, C__________ to the present day, for example, the Kremlin with different constructions, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Marjani Mosque.

The Kazan Kremlin is definitely one of the most attractive places in the city. It is a unique mixture of historical and architectural monuments. The real fortress, with a history lasting through the ages, and its buildings absorbed pieces of Slavic and Turkic cultures, D__________ Muslim and Christian civilizations. On the territory of the Kazan Kremlin tourists will find a complex of old buildings, E__________, sandstone constructions of the 16–18th centuries, as well as some modern museums. Tourists will have a chance to visit a real fortress and feel a breath of ages while walking inside a unique historical monument, F__________ World Heritage Sites in 2000.

1. and in 1552 it was conquered by
2. that the city was founded in 1177
3. which have been carefully preserved
4. that the city has many tourist attractions
5. which were created in the 10-15th centuries
6. taking the best parts of urban planning from
7. which was included in the list of the UNESCO





"According to the opinions of some historians, it was founded in the second half of the 13th century, but other specialists believe ... that the city was founded in 1177."
Существует мнение, что Казань была основана в 1177 году. Ответ 2.

"Since 1438 the city was the capital of Kazan Khanate, ... and in 1552 it was conquered by Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible."
В 1552 году Казань была захвачена Иваном Грозным. Ответ 1.

"Here one can see old buildings, ... which have been carefully preserved to the present day, for example, the Kremlin with different constructions, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Marjani Mosque."
Старинные здания тщательно сохраняются до нашего времени. Ответ 3.

"The real fortress, with a history lasting through the ages, and its buildings absorbed pieces of Slavic and Turkic cultures, ... taking the best parts of urban planning from Muslim and Christian civilizations."
Крепость объединяет элементы исламской и христианской цивилизаций. Ответ 6.

"On the territory of the Kazan Kremlin tourists will find a complex of old buildings, ... which were created in the 10-15th centuries, sandstone constructions of the 16–18th centuries, as well as some modern museums."
Постройки Кремля относятся к разным историческим периодам, начиная с 10–15 веков. Ответ 5.

"… while walking inside a unique historical monument, ... which was included in the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2000."
Казанский Кремль был внесён в список объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в 2000 году. Ответ 7.

Номер: DF8333

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Polenovo is located away from the main transport links to the south-west of Moscow in Tula Region, close to its border with Kaluga Region. It is a surprisingly beautiful estate A__________.

Vasily Polenov is one of Russia’s most renowned landscape painters of the 19th century, and like many Russian artists he had his own country estate, B__________. Polenov’s estate was originally known as Borok, and is located in beautiful surroundings close to the Oka River. It is worth visiting for this reason alone, C__________. At just two hours from Moscow, it is the perfect destination to escape the hustle and bustle of the capital and enjoy the Russian countryside.

On the grounds of the estate there are several museums to visit. The main one is the Large House itself, which was built in 1892 D__________ when Vasily Polenov lived there. The smaller neighbouring building is known as the Abbey, which was used as a workshop, E__________ where the painter worked. After looking around the grounds of the estate, one can walk along the Oka River to the Trinity Church, which is located 1.5km north of the estate just past the village of Byokhovo. On the way visitors can enjoy the beautiful views of the Oka. The church was built between 1904 and 1905 according to a plan by Vasily Polenov himself F__________.

1. and tourists can visit its unique interior and see
2. that was designed and owned by Vasily Polenov
3. and has been carefully restored to how it looked
4. even if one has no interest in Polenov or his work
5. that were regularly invited to his hospitable house
6. which must have provided inspiration for his painting
7. and therefore should not be missed when visiting the estate





"Polenovo is located away from the main transport links to the south-west of Moscow in Tula Region, close to its border with Kaluga Region. It is a surprisingly beautiful estate ... that was designed and owned by Vasily Polenov."
Усадьба была спроектирована и принадлежала самому Василию Поленову, что подчёркивает её уникальность. Ответ 2.

"Polenov’s estate was originally known as Borok, and is located in beautiful surroundings close to the Oka River. It is worth visiting for this reason alone, ... which must have provided inspiration for his painting."
Живописное расположение усадьбы вдохновляло художника на его работы, что хорошо подчёркивает контекст. Ответ: 6.

"At just two hours from Moscow, it is the perfect destination to escape the hustle and bustle of the capital and enjoy the Russian countryside. At the same time, it is worth visiting, ... even if one has no interest in Polenov or his work."
Даже если кто-то не интересуется творчеством Поленова, усадьба заслуживает внимания. Ответ 4.

"The main one is the Large House itself, which was built in 1892 ... and has been carefully restored to how it looked when Vasily Polenov lived there."
Дом восстановлен так, как он выглядел при жизни Поленова, что подчёркивает его историческую ценность. Ответ 3.

"The smaller neighbouring building is known as the Abbey, which was used as a workshop, ... and tourists can visit its unique interior and see where the painter worked."
Мастерская Поленова — интересное место для посещения, предлагающее уникальный опыт. Ответ 1.

"The church was built between 1904 and 1905 according to a plan by Vasily Polenov himself, ... and therefore should not be missed when visiting the estate."
Церковь, созданная по плану Василия Поленова, является важным элементом усадьбы и рекомендуется для каждого посетителя. Ответ 7.

Номер: A51F3B

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Wonderful underwater life

The ocean graces more than 70 % of our planet, and millions of marine species call these waters home. Whether a person is a novice or an experienced snorkeller, there are plenty of places to witness enchanting underwater life. All one needs is a mask, snorkel and fins A__________.

From sharing the sea with manta rays in the Maldives B__________ and being surrounded by colourful fish in the Caribbean, these are the best places to go snorkelling in the world.

For brilliant marine life and eye-popping coral, there is nowhere better than the Great Barrier Reef. As the planet’s largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef is made up of 2,900 individual reefs C__________. More than a thousand fish species, along with six species of sea turtles, inhabit the reef. Warming waters are causing the coral to bleach, and scientists predict D__________.

Komodo National Park is another place to go to enjoy underwater beauty. It is centrally located in Indonesia. Established in 1980 to preserve the Komodo Dragon, the park became a UNESCO World Heritage site six years later. As one of five islands E__________, the park gets a lot of attention, but the surrounding waters can’t be overlooked. Having enjoyed protected status for more than 30 years, the reefs are thriving with a variety of exotic underwater life, F__________.

1. stretching nearly 1,400 miles off the shoreline
2. including over 1000 species of tropical fish
3. to experience the beauty of unique coral reefs
4. where one can see the unique lizard in the wild
5. to seeing humpback whales in the Dominican Republic
6. that the reef has become a popular tourist sight
7. that the reef may become extinct as soon as 2050





"All one needs is a mask, snorkel and fins ... to experience the beauty of unique coral reefs."
Здесь подчеркивается, что с минимальным оборудованием можно насладиться красотой коралловых рифов. Ответ 3.

"From sharing the sea with manta rays in the Maldives ... to seeing humpback whales in the Dominican Republic, these are the best places to go snorkelling in the world."
В этом предложении перечисляются разнообразные места для дайвинга и сноркелинга. Ответ 5.

"The Great Barrier Reef is made up of 2,900 individual reefs ... stretching nearly 1,400 miles off the shoreline."
Здесь указывается протяжённость крупнейшего рифа на планете. Ответ: 1.

"Warming waters are causing the coral to bleach, and scientists predict ... that the reef may become extinct as soon as 2050."
Этот фрагмент говорит о серьёзной угрозе для кораллового рифа из-за изменения климата. Ответ 7.

"As one of five islands ... where one can see the unique lizard in the wild, the park gets a lot of attention."
Упоминается Комодский дракон, который привлекает внимание к одному из островов. Ответ 4.

"Having enjoyed protected status for more than 30 years, the reefs are thriving with a variety of exotic underwater life, ... including over 1000 species of tropical fish."
Здесь описывается богатство морской флоры и фауны, включая множество тропических рыб. Ответ 2.

Номер: C15A3D

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Unusual tourist attractions

The Kremlin is always the first thing to see in Moscow. Earlier, there was only one route available for visitors to the Kremlin. It includes A____________ with the entrance to Alexandrovsky Garden. Since the end of 2016, tourists have another option to access the Kremlin. The starting point is at Spasskaya Tower in Red Square. The new route features archaeological discoveries, displaying the basements of the demolished monasteries, B____________, as well as the Maly Nikolaevsky Royal Palace.

Boat cruises are very popular in Moscow, C____________. Many enclosed and heated boats with panoramic windows and ice-breaking equipment can be found on the Moscow River. On their way tourists will see the city sights such as Stalin’s skyscrapers and the Kremlin.

For the last five years a lot of Moscow streets have become pedestrian zones. The city authorities ordered the construction of cosy European-style promenades with street lamps, benches and flower beds, D____________.

Russians are the greatest fans of winter, E____________ to the beginning of March. One of the main Muscovites’ leisure activities is skating at popular public places like Red Square, Gorky Park and VDNKh, F____________. At the end of 2016 the new skating-rink started operating on the roof of Moscow City’s 85-floor OKO tower at a height of 354 metres. The view is breathtaking.

1. visiting the museums of the inner area
2. which is from the end of November
3. dating back to the 14th and 16th centuries
4. and winter activities range from ice-skating
5. and river transportation season never stops
6. which were designed for everyone to enjoy
7. where the Europe’s biggest skating-rink is located





"It includes ... visiting the museums of the inner area with the entrance to Alexandrovsky Garden."
Туристический маршрут предполагает посещение музеев Кремля, что логично завершает фразу. Ответ 1.

"The new route features archaeological discoveries, displaying the basements of the demolished monasteries, ... dating back to the 14th and 16th centuries, as well as the Maly Nikolaevsky Royal Palace."
Упоминаются фундаменты монастырей, относящиеся к XIV-XVI векам, что соответствует контексту. Ответ 3.

"Boat cruises are very popular in Moscow, ... and river transportation season never stops."
Катание на речных круизах осуществляется круглый год, даже зимой. Ответ 5.

"The city authorities ordered the construction of cosy European-style promenades with street lamps, benches and flower beds, ... which were designed for everyone to enjoy."
Городские променады сделаны для удобства и удовольствия жителей и туристов. Ответ 6.

"Russians are the greatest fans of winter, ... which is from the end of November to the beginning of March."
Подчёркивается временной период зимы, который особенно популярен для зимних активностей. Ответ 2.

"One of the main Muscovites’ leisure activities is skating at popular public places like Red Square, Gorky Park and VDNKh, ... where the Europe’s biggest skating-rink is located."
На ВДНХ расположен самый крупный каток в Европе, что завершающая деталь. Ответ 7.

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Letniy Sad

Letniy Sad (The Summer Garden) is a park ensemble, a monument of landscape art of the 18th century. Letniy Sad is the oldest park in St. Petersburg. The park was founded by Peter I in 1704. The Tsar dreamed of his own Versailles and drew its original plan himself. He planned to create a regular, architectural park with accurate layout and straight paths. Prominent architects and gardeners took part in its creation. The park was supposed to become a place of relaxation, A__________.

Letniy Sad is surrounded by water. Natural boundary of the park from the north and east are the Neva and Fontanka Rivers, B__________.

Peter I brought sculptures from Italy for the park and was very proud of them. In the 18th century there were more than two hundred sculptures, C__________, or moved to suburban royal residences and the Hermitage. Now Letniy Sad is decorated with 90 sculptures –
copies made of artificial marble.

In May, 2012 Letniy Sad was opened after reconstruction. The reconstruction work had been going on for about three years, D__________ Letniy Sad as it was in the 18th century. Among the new items in Letniy Sad, there is the Archaeological Museum, E__________ during the restoration of the park. Visitors can take a tour of the park F__________ on Sundays.

1. and restorers have done everything possible to keep
2. combining the features of urban and suburban estates
3. which are planned to be the centre of scientific research
4. which contains interesting objects found by archaeologists
5. but later many of them were either destroyed in the flood
6. and enjoy the exhibitions and performances of a brass band
7. and from the south and west – the Moika River and the Lebyazhiy Canal





"The park was supposed to become a place of relaxation, ... combining the features of urban and suburban estates."
Летний сад задумывался как место отдыха, сочетающее в себе черты городской и загородной усадьбы. Ответ 2.

"Natural boundary of the park from the north and east are the Neva and Fontanka Rivers, ... and from the south and west – the Moika River and the Lebyazhiy Canal."
Здесь уточняется географическое расположение сада и его границы. Ответ 7.

"In the 18th century there were more than two hundred sculptures, ... but later many of them were either destroyed in the flood, or moved to suburban royal residences and the Hermitage."
Упоминается, что многие скульптуры были утрачены или перенесены в другие места из-за наводнений. Ответ 5.

"The reconstruction work had been going on for about three years, ... and restorers have done everything possible to keep Letniy Sad as it was in the 18th century."
Реставраторы сделали всё возможное, чтобы сохранить исторический облик Летнего сада. Ответ 1.

"Among the new items in Letniy Sad, there is the Archaeological Museum, ... which contains interesting objects found by archaeologists during the restoration of the park."
В новом музее представлены уникальные археологические находки, обнаруженные в ходе реставрации. Ответ 4.

"Visitors can take a tour of the park ... and enjoy the exhibitions and performances of a brass band on Sundays."
Гости парка могут насладиться выставками и выступлениями духового оркестра по воскресеньям. Ответ 6.

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