Test Unit 6b

1. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Monopoly is a _ game.
A. board B. team
2. She is _ for the sun to come up.
A. going B. waiting
3. John is doing a _ puzzle.
A. jigsaw B. scrabble
4. It’s not _ . I work all day and you do nothing.
A. clear B. fair
5. Brian is not _ to the party.
A. come B. coming
6. _ you watching TV?
A. Are B. Do
7. They _ English very well.
A. speak B. speaking
8. He often _ the shopping.
A. doing B. does
9. She is always _ her mobile phone!
A. lose B. losing
10. He _ like playing monopoly.
A. doesn’t B. isn’t


1 – A, 2 – B, 3 – A, 4 – B, 5 – B, 6 – A, 7 – A, 8 – B, 9 – B, 10 – A.
1. Monopoly is a board game.
2. She is waiting for the sun to come up.
3. John is doing a jigsaw puzzle.
4. It’s not fair. I work all day and you do nothing.
5. Brian is not coming to the party.
6. Are you watching TV?
7. They speak English very well.
8. He often does the shopping.
9. She is always losing her mobile phone!
10. He doesn’t like playing monopoly.


1. Монополия − это настольная игра.
2. Она ждет восхода солнца.
3. Джон собирает паззл.
4. Это несправедливо. Я работаю весь день, а ты ничего не делаешь.
5. Брайан не идет на вечеринку.
6. Вы смотрите телевизор?
7. Они очень хорошо говорят по−английски.
8. Он часто делает покупки.
9. Она всегда теряет мобильный телефон!
10. Он не любит играть в монополию.